Series: SARASOTA OIL, 1936-1956
Contents List
Box Folder
B 189 F 1-10 Balance Sheet/Operation Cost 1936-1945
B 190 F 1-2 Balance Sheet/Operation Cost 1946-1947
B 190 F 3 Cash Statements and Reports 1953
B 190 F 4 Company Leases
B 190 F 5 Company Legal
B 190 F 6-12 Report on Examination 1948-1956
B 190 F 13-23 Statements 1948-1956
B 190 F 24 Stock Ownership-Sarasota Oil
Contents List
Box Folder
B 189 F 1-10 Balance Sheet/Operation Cost 1936-1945
B 190 F 1-2 Balance Sheet/Operation Cost 1946-1947
B 190 F 3 Cash Statements and Reports 1953
B 190 F 4 Company Leases
B 190 F 5 Company Legal
B 190 F 6-12 Report on Examination 1948-1956
B 190 F 13-23 Statements 1948-1956
B 190 F 24 Stock Ownership-Sarasota Oil