Contents List
Box Folder
B 38 F 1 Abbott, John vs RBBB
B 38 F 2-3 Acme Circus Operating Co dba Clyde Beatty Cole Bros. Circus et al vs RBBB
B 38 F 4 Advance Dept. Advertising – Press
B 38 F 5 Agee, Cecil C. vs RBBB
B 38 F 6 Air Conditioning Big Top and Otherwise
B 38 F 7 Albert, Miss Edith vs RBBB
B 38 F 8 Alderman, Taitors Inc vs McCormick Steele
B 38 F 9 Alien Bond Lists, Lists of Aliens in USA Under Contract to RBBB
B 38 F 10 Allied Owners Corp. and American Circus Joint Venture, 1939-1940
B 38 F 11 Alsobrooks, James vs RBBB
B 38 F 12 Alterman vs RBBB
B 38 F 13-15 American Express Co
B 38 F 16 American Society of Composers etc. vs Al Ringling Theatre
B 38 F 17 Animals RBBB Listing, Inventories, Values, Sales Purchases Deaths, incl. Horses, Wild Animals, etc.
B 38 F 18 Anthony Wayne Parking Corp John C. Tibbles Pres Ft. Wayne, IN
B 38 F 19 Artony Co, Art Concello, Antoinette Concello & Grace Killian RBBB Seat Wagon Manufacture
B 38 F 20 B & O RR Co vs AGB-SF
B 38 F 21 Baldwin Park Property Baldwin Park Calif in Name of A1.G.Barnes Amusement Co 1938
B 38 F 22 Barnum & Bailey Circus 1894 documents (Purchase by James A. Bailey of the interests of
P. T. Barnum’s estate)
B 38 F 23 Barnum & Bailey LTD. 1899-1907 Prospectus and Purchase—1907 sale to Ringling Bros., 1899 Prospectus of the Corp.
B 38 F 24 Bassano, Anthony vs RBBB
B 38 F 25 Beaton, Fanny & Malcom vs RBBB
B 38 F 26 Beideman, Warren Jr. vs RBBB
B 38 F 27 Benigsohn, Ella vs RBBB
B 38 F 28 Benton, Robert vs RBBB
B 38 F 29 Bibliography – Circus Library of Congress
B 38 F 30 Bidwell, Lester vs RBBB
B 38 F 31 Big Top RBBB
B 38 F 32 Billboard (Magazine), Billboard Publishing Co.
B 38 F 33 Boes, Helen & George vs RBBB&B
B 38 F 34 Bonds Surety Bonds
B 38 F 35 Booking Agents – Misc.
B 39 F 1 Braden, Frank RBBB Press Agent
B 39 F 2 Bray, George vs RBBB
B 39 F 3 Brelos, Henry E. vs RBBB
B 39 F 4 Broadcast, Music Inc (BMI)
B 39 F 5 Bronfman Fuel Co vs RBBB
B 39 F 6 Brown Bern, Brown Construction Co
B 39 F 7 Brown Country Warehouse vs RBBB
B 39 F 8 Brown, Dan vs. RBBB
B 39 F 9 Brown, Lester G. and Edna Marie vs RBBB
B 39 F 10 Brown, Rudolph Lee vs RBBB
B 39 F 11 Broyles, Herman et al vs RBBB
B 39 F 12 Buck, Frank Bring Em Back Alive Feature Performer 1938
B 39 F 13 Bufmatovisch, Stanley J. vs RBBB
B 39 F 14 Burnell, W. Earl Photographer Sarasota, FL
B 39 F 15 Burns Glenville vs RBBB
B 39 F 16 Buttz, Charles W. vs AGB
B 39 F 17 Cameron, Rosslyn Lee vs RBBB
B 39 F 18 Campbell, Jack vs RBBB, HW, SF, JR, & Amer Circus
B 39 F 19 Capitol Records
B 39 F 20 Cardwell, Eddie vs RBBB
B 39 F 21 Casey, John C. & Otis, Fred vs RBBB and AGBSF
B 39 F 22 Cetlin & Wilson Shows
B 39 F 23 Chain-of-Command (organization) RBBB -1954
B 39 F 24 Charles, Bruce vs Sells-Floto
B 39 F 25 Chicago, IL, City of Chicago and Chicago Park District
B 39 F 26 Ciaffone, Filomena vs RBBB
B 39 F 27 Circus Enterprises (firm of AMC and Bill Perry created to dispose of surplus RBBB equipment after 1956), 1960-1961
B 39 F 28 Cisterning, Laura vs RBBB
B 39 F 29 Coastal Trading Corporation RBBB Concessionaires
B 39 F 30 Conklin, Raymond D. vs RBBB
B 39 F 31 Connelly, Barbara L. vs RBBB
B 39 F 32 Continental Circus Inc. (New York Worlds Fair) 1964-1965
B 39 F 33 Cooper, Jack vs RBBB
B 39 F 34 Copeland, Sylvia et al vs AGB
B 39 F 35 Copyrights Cert. of Copyright Regist
B 39 F 36 Corbitt, Jesse vs RBBB
B 39 F 37 Eddie Cardwell vs. RBBB
B 39 F 38 Cosentino, Louis vs Wolfe, Gertrude
B 39 F 39 Court, Alfred Wild Animal Trainer
B 40 F 1 Creditors, RBBB 1956
B 40 F 2 Cross, Graham vs State of New Jersey
B 40 F 3 Cummins Diesel #1 of 2 File Folders
B 40 F 4 Cummins Diesel #2 of 2 File Folders
B 40 F 5 Cyr, Napoleon vs RBBB
B 40 F 6 D’Angelo et al vs RBBB
B 40 F 7 Darling, Virginia W. (Yonkers Nat’l Bank Exec) vs RBBB
B 40 F 8 Daul, Jos. L. vs RBBB et al
B 40 F 9 Dave Gordon Steel Inc. vs RBBB
B 40 F 10 Debts ---RBBB, Loans, Notes, Debts, Fixed Liabilities etc.
B 40 F 11 Decca Records
B 40 F 12 Dempsey, James & Enrica, Venice, FL Lease Bldg to RBBB
B 40 F 13 District of Columbia vs RBBB
B 40 F 14 Dobbins & Ingersol vs AGB
B 40 F 15 Dombrowski, Chester et al vs RBBB
B 40 F 16 Dorsey, Henry vs RBBB
B 40 F 17 Dowd, Loretta vs RBBB & MSQG
B 40 F 18 Duffy, Edward J. vs RBBB
B 40 F 19 Dunn, Jack vs RBBB
B 40 F 20 Earl, John vs RBBB
B 40 F 21 Egger, Glenn vs RBBB
B 40 F 22 Ellis Machinery & Supply Co. vs RBBB
B 40 F 23 Equipment – Misc. & Stored, Misc. Records of Misc. Eqpt. Stored & On hand
B 40 F 24 Equipment- Sold & Rented (prior to 1956)
B 40 F 25 Fanchon & Marco Inc. vs Hagenback-Wallace Shows Co. 1 of 3
B 40 F 26 Fanchon & Marco Inc. vs Hagenback-Wallace Shows Co 2 of 3
B 40 F 27 Fanchon & Marco Inc. vs Hagenback-Wallace Shows Co 3 of 3
B 40 F 28 Fellows, Signe (Mrs. Dexter) vs RBBB
B 40 F 29 Fenske, Victor vs Flenord, John and AGBSF
B 40 F 30 File, John vs RBBB
B 40 F 31 Finklestein, Ruben et al, dba Twin City Amusement Trust, vs RBBB, Re: 1926 Movie
“Bigger Than Barnum”
B 40 F 32 Flanagan, Brian P. vs RBBB
B 40 F 33 Fletcher, Beth vs HW
B 40 F 34 Florida – State of Industrial Commission
B 41 F 1 Fohs, Alfred vs RBBB
B 41 F 2 Food Poisoning WC Cases – Washington D.C. 1943
B 41 F 3-5 Foote, Cone & Belding Advertising Agency
B 41 F 6 Fowler, Neason vs RBBB
B 41 F 7 Friedman, John E. vs RBBB & Yom Kam
B 41 F 8 Foy Large Co. – Laundry Contract including RR Laundry Car
B 41 F 9 Frazier, Jack vs AGB
B 41 F 10 Frazier, Willma B. vs RBBB
B 41 F 11 Fredrickson, Alfred vs RBBB et al
B 41 F 12 Freeman, Sibyl vs RBBB
B 41 F 13 Friedman, David and Morris Phillip vs RBBB
B 41 F 14 Gaddis, R.D. vs RBBB
B 41 F 15 Garfield, Virgil vs RBBB
B 41 F 16 Garland, Dr. W.R. vs RBBB&B
B 41 F 17 Garrett, Arthur vs RBBB
B 41 F 18 Giddens, Ray and Shewbert, Lucille vs RBBB, Auto/elephant accident at W. Palm Beach, Fla., 1955
B 41 F 19 Gill, Shelley vs RBBB
B 41 F 20 Gleco, George vs RBBB
B 41 F 21 Graham, John C., Attorney.
B 41 F 22 Gray, Mildred & Wallace vs RBBB
B 41 F 23 “Greatest Show on Earth” Movie
B 41 F 24 Gregory, Stanley vs RBBB
B 41 F 25 Guide Book Corp.
B 41 F 26 Habigier, Joseph and Shiembob, Henry vs RBBB
B 41 F 27 Hacker, Max vs RBBB
B 41 F 28 Hamid Million Dollar Pier Corp.
B 42 F 1 Hanlon, George Builder of Props etc.
B 42 F 2 Harold, George vs RBBB
B 42 F 3 Hartford (Conn.) Sidewalk Claims, Herman Gross & Sons, Pleasant Valley Realty Co., J.M. Cohn Coat Co. vs RBBB
B 42 F 4 Hebeler’s Shop, Sarasota, FL, Edward S. Hebeler, Eddie Bulletti
B 42 F 5 Helsol Realty Co. vs RBBB
B 42 F 6 Hennessey, George Bernard (Saskatchewan Auto Accident) vs RBBB
B 42 F 7 Herbert, R. Beverley vs RBBB
B 42 F 8 Herman, Coy vs RBBB
B 42 F 9 Hibbard, Clarence M. vs RBBB
B 42 F 10 Hobson, William RBBB Supt. Canvas Left Sarasota
B 42 F 11 Hoffmaster, Frances vs RBBB
B 42 F 12 Hogeman, Henry et al vs RBBB
B 42 F 13 Hankola, Anrie vs RBBB
B 42 F 14 Horn, Joe B. vs RBBB
B 42 F 15 Horton, Mrs. Rena vs RBBB
B 42 F 16 Houson, Anderson vs RBBB
B 42 F 17 “Howdy Doody” TV Feature, Robert B. Smith
B 42 F 18 Howell, Henry vs RBBB
B 42 F 19 Huiat, Eugene vs RBBB
B 42 F 20 Corporate Papers, RBBB Shows—1932 cert. of incorporation and Bill of Sale from RB CO.—Partnership and Bylaws
B 42 F 21 Inside Ticket Sales
B 42 F 22 Inventories, complete all animals, equipment, RBBB (1 of 2)
B 42 F 23 Inventories, complete all animals, equipment, RBBB (2 of 2)
B 42 F 24 Interstate, Commerce Commission
B 42 F 25 Isackson, Gunnard vs AGB
B 42 F 26 Janouch, Josie vs RBBB
B 42 F 27 Jernigan, Robert Dewey vs RBBB
B 42 F 28 Johnston, James E. vs AGB
B 42 F 29 Jones, Robert et al vs RBBB
B 42 F 30 Joseph Mayer Publisher Inc. (Publisher, RBBB Programs)
B 42 F 31 Josephthal, Paul A. et al vs RBBB, Madison Square Garden
B 42 F 32 Kandel, Benjamin vs RBBB
B 42 F 33 Katz, Jack L. vs RBBB
B 42 F 34 Kefferly, Frank vs RBBB
B 42 F 35 Kelley, John vs HW
B 42 F 36 Kelly, E.J. vs AGB
B 42 F 37 King Ranch
B 42 F 38 Kinsey, Clarence et al vs RBBB
B 42 F 39 Kirkman, O’Neal Inc vs RBBB
B 42 F 40 Klug, Ray & Estelle et al vs RBBB
B 42 F 41 Kohler, Gertrude vs RBBB
B 42 F 42 Koslow, Andrew vs John Ringling et al
B 42 F 43 Kossich vs RBBB and M Sq Garden
B 42 F 44 Kovace, Eugene vs RBBB
B 42 F 45 Kuechenmeister, Charles vs RBBB
B 42 F 46 Lamoine, Paul vs RBBB
B 42 F 47 Lawshe, Emily vs RBBB and Madison Square Garden
B 42 F 48 Layout Out of Lot RBBB
B 42 F 49 Lazar, Pincus et al vs RBBB
B 42 F 50 Leaver vs RBBB
B 43 F 1 Lederman, Marie vs RBBB
B 43 F 2 Legal Files – Misc. -Status Reports of Many Mixed Legal Cases
B 43 F 3 Legislative Matters – Misc. – Pertaining to Circuses
B 43 F 4 LeMaire, Charles RBBB Designer
B 43 F 5 Lester, Allen J. RBBB Agent
B 43 F 6 Lester, Thelma et al vs Circus City Zool. Gardens, H.W. S-F, Jr. ACB, Sparks Amer C. Co.
B 43 F 7 Levitt, Herman vs RBBB
B 43 F 8 Lindsay, Frank vs RBBB
B 43 F 9 Los Angeles, City of vs RBBB
B 43 F 10 Lowery, Verna H. and Lowery, James Powell vs RBBB
B 43 F 11 Macedo vs AGB
B 43 F 12 Malka, Vencel vs RBBB
B 43 F 13 Malone, Ludowiska vs RBBB, AGB, HW et al
B 43 F 14 Maloney, Francis vs RBBB
B 43 F 15 Manning, Jas. vs AGB
B 43 F 16 Marcellus Troupe vs RBBB
B 43 F 17 Markey, Alexander – Shooting movie shots of RBBB “Pearls & Sawdust” Movie
B 43 F 18 Martins, Beatrice A. vs RBBB
B 43 F 19 May, Mildred vs RBBB and C.W. Allen
B 43 F 20 May, Virgil vs RBBB
B 43 F 21 Mazza, Angelina vs RBBB and M Sq Gardens
B 43 F 22 McDonnell, Mrs. Annabelle vs RBBB
B 43 F 23 McGill, Douglass vs RBBB
B 43 F 24 McInnis, Virginia vs RBBB
B 43 F 25 McWhorter vs RBBB
B 43 F 26 Menagerie Tent RBBB, 1955
B 43 F 27 Michael, J.E. vs RBBB
B 43 F 28 Miller Bros. Concessions RBBB Concessionaires
B 43 F 29 Miller Bros. 101 Ranch Wild West – 1928 Bill of Sale Untransacted 1928 Inventory, Equipment & Animals Misc Items
B 43 F 30 Miller, Zack T. Miller Bros. 101 Ranch WW & Westn Show Co. vs RBBB, SF, AGB, HW et al.
B 43 F 31 Mills, Toby vs Hagenbeck Wallace Circus
B 43 F 32 Milor, Frank J. vs Al G. Barnes Circus
B 43 F 33 Minnesota State Agriculture Assn. Hearing re. RBBB dates at Fair time, 1933
B 43 F 34 Minutes, Board of Directors RBBB Shows, 1937-1959 and other relevant papers
B 43 F 35 Mitoked Inc. vs RBBB
B 44 F 1-2 Monroe Greenthal Co
B 44 F 3 Montague, Winston vs Hagenbeck Wallace Circus
B 44 F 4 Motor Vehicles (&Trailers) RBBB 1957-1958
B 44 F 5 Motor Vehicles (&Trailers) RBBB Inventories, Titles, Licenses, Construction, Paint, Items Operation Costs etc-etc
B 44 F 6 Motor Vehicles (More)
B 44 F 7 Moye, Virginia et al vs RBBB
B 44 F 8 Muntean, Mary vs RBBB
B 44 F 9 Murphee, Molly et al vs RBBB
B 44 F 10 Music for RBBB
B 44 F 11 Naitta, Alla vs RBBB
B 44 F 12 New Orleans, LA
B 44 F 13 New England Fire Ins. Co. vs RBBB
B 44 F 14 Nichols, Walter vs Great Northern RR vs RBBB
B 44 F 15 Niepold, Ruth vs RBBB
B 44 F 16 New York World’s Fair 1939
B 44 F 17 Nobbe, Gertrude vs RBBB
B 44 F 18 O’Connell, Florence et al vs RBBB & M Sq G
B 44 F 19 Oklahoma, State of vs RBBB
B 44 F 20-23 Olvera, America or Pollinger, America Olvera vs AGB & RBBB et al.
B 45 F 1-3 Olvera, America or Pollinger, America Olvera vs AGB & RBBB et al.
B 45 F 4 O’Neil, Agnes vs H-W
B 45 F 5 O’Rourke, Terrence vs RBBB
B 45 F 6 Owens, Buck (Cowboy) vs H-W
B 45 F 7 Padilla, Frank vs RBBB
B 45 F 8-14 Palmer, Oscar vs RBBB
B 45 F 15 Paramount Pictures Inc vs RBBB 1956 Lawsuit or Threatened Lawsuit
B 45 F 16 Pass List Annual RBBB
B 45 F 17 Patterson, William vs RBBB
B 45 F 18 Penneau, Marian vs RBBB
B 45 F 19 Pennsylvania, State of
B 46 F 1 Peterman, William vs RBBB
B 46 F 2 Pettinichi vs RBBB and Madison Square Garden
B 46 F 3 Philadelphia, PA
B 46 F 4 Phillips, Frank L. vs The People
B 46 F 5 Pierce, Joseph vs RBBB
B 46 F 6 Pigeon, Donald vs RBBB
B 46 F 7 Pollinger, Karl vs RBBB
B 46 F 8 Pomerantz, Erwin vs RBBB
B 46 F 9-10 Pontico, Ruth vs RBBB, Pontico, Joe vs RBBB 1934 Typhoid Fever Case
B 46 F 11 Pownell, Frank vs H-W
B 46 F 12 Pressley, Fred vs H-W
B 46 F 13 Production Numbers Specs RBBB Mixc
B 46 F 14 Program Listing RBBB
B 46 F 15 Quigley, Helen RBBB
B 46 F 16 Railroad Associations Eastern Western Southern etc.
B 46 F 17 Railroad Contracts
B 46 F 18 Rand, Rosa vs RBBB
B 46 F 19 Reddy, John F. (Atty) et al vs RBBB
B 46 F 20 Reno, George vs RBBB
B 46 F 21 Revell, Nellie vs RBBB Spangles et al Re Use of Title “Spangles”
B 46 F 22 Richards, Helen Ruth vs AGB
B 46 F 23 Richey, Walter vs RBBB
B 46 F 24 Ringling, Hester et al vs John Ringling North et al
B 46 F 25 Rivers, Austin vs RBBB
B 46 F 26 Roberts, B.C. vs RBBB
B 46 F 27 Robertson, George vs RBBB
B 46 F 28 Rockenbaugh, Garland vs RBBB
B 46 F 29 Rodda E. D. vs AGB et al
B 46 F 30 Roesner, Loyal vs RBBB
B 46 F 31 Robinson, John G. IV vs RBBB
B 46 F 32 Romagnoli et al vs AGBSF
B 46 F 33 Rouanzoin, Mrs Joan vs RBBB
B 46 F 34 Roudabush, Belle Lee vs RBBB (Washington D.C. 1936 Blowdown)
B 47 F 1 Route, 1956 RBBB Including Cancelled Route thru Chicago 8-26
B 47 F 2 Rubin, Miss Beatrice (Atty)
B 47 F 3 Ruck, Bessie vs RBBB
B 47 F 4 Ryan, James et al vs AGB
B 47 F 5 Salaman, Ashor vs RBBB
B 47 F 6 Sarasota, City of
B 47 F 7 Scallon, A.P. vs RBBB et al
B 47 F 8 Schaefer, Brewing Co. vs Edward F. Kelly
B 47 F 9 Schlogel, George vs RBBB
B 47 F 10 Schnuer, Harold vs Ralph Gram
B 47 F 11 Schock Family vs RBBB
B 47 F 12 Schock, Jacqualine et al vs RBBB
B 47 F 13 Schumacker, Paul vs RBBB
B 47 F 14 Schwartz Family et al vs RBBB
B 47 F 15 Sears, John H. vs RBBB
B 47 F 16 Seligowski, Helen vs RBBB
B 47 F 17 Sells-Floto Denver WQ Property Case 1942
B 47 F 18 Selock, Frank vs RBBB
B 47 F 19 Seven Gables Realty Corp vs RBBB
B 47 F 20 Shell Oil Co
B 47 F 21 Sheppard, George H. vs RBBB
B 47 F 22-23 Sheppard, George H. vs RBBB Combined Shows Inc.
B 47 F 24 “Sheriff’s Sale” Cut-rate Reserved Seat Ticket Sales After Show Starts
B 47 F 25 Shiembob, Henry R. vs RBBB
B 47 F 26 Sherrod, Farrar F. vs RBBB
B 47 F 27 Side Show Tent RBBB
B 47 F 28 Slicho, Mr & Mrs V.J. vs RBBB
B 47 F 29 Smith, Gertrude vs RBBB and Miller
B 47 F 30 Smith, Jack vs AGB
B 47 F 31 Smith (Schmidt?), William vs RBBB or H.W.
B 47 F 32 Social Security Matters RBBB
B 47 F 33 Societe Viticole de Chateau Lascombes….France
B 47 F 34 Sola Vaggione Giovani vs RBBB
B 47 F 35 Son, Mary E. vs RBBB
B 47 F 36 Southern Pacific RR vs H-W Circus (1938)
B 47 F 37 Spector, Lena & Isadore vs H-W
B 47 F 38 Spencer, Helen vs RBBB
B 47 F 39 Sponsorship of RBBB Sponsor Contracts Outright Sale of Show Date
B 47 F 40 Stamm, Fred vs AGB
B 47 F 41 Stark, Kalman vs HW4PSB
B 47 F 42 Stephens, Louis vs RBBB
B 47 F 43 Stephenson, Geneva vs RBBB
B 47 F 44 Stocks
B 47 F 45-46 Stinson, Eddie and Stinson, Tunis and Moslem Temple Shrine vs RBBB
B 47 F 47 Stock Transactions 1940-1956
B 48 F 1 Story, Earl vs RBBB
B 48 F 2 Strausberg, Jack & Esther vs RBBB
B 48 F 3 Sunday, Vincent vs RBBB
B 48 F 4 Sweet, Charles A. vs John Ringling et al
B 48 F 5 Synopsis Reports (Daily Agent’s Reports) RBBB -1934
B 48 F 6 Synopsis Reports (Daily Agent’s Reports) RBBB – 1952
B 48 F 7 Synopsis Reports (Daily Agent’s Reports) RBBB – 1953
B 48 F 8 Synopsis Reports (Daily Agent’s Reports) RBBB – 1955
B 48 F 9 Synopsis Reports (Daily Agent’s Reports) RBBB – 1956
B 48 F 10-11 Tents Manufactured for US Army 1942 by RBBB. See also Winter Quarters Sarasota (Sail Loft), and also Canvas Dept
OS 3 Tent Plans RBBB, 1952-1955
B 48 F 12 Ten Eyck, George L. vs RBBB
B 48 F 13 Thompson, Eva vs RBBB
B 48 F 14 Thompson, Mr. G.C. vs RBBB
B 48 F 15 Thomasello, Anna vs H-W
B 48 F 16 Torrence, Victoria vs RBBB
B 48 F 17 Toto, Gorilla
B 48 F 18 Trceinsky, Joseph et al vs RBBB
B 48 F 19 Train RBBB
B 48 F 20 Train Loading Orders Consists & Misc Details
B 48 F 21 Trask, Frank Merrill RBBB
B 48 F 22 Trefflich’s Bird & Animal Co.
B 48 F 23 Turner, Horace vs RBBB
B 48 F 24 Typhoid Fever 1934 RBBB Involvement
B 48 F 25 United States Circuit Court of Appeals No. 10877 Volume 1 pages 1-384 America Olvera (also known as Amera) Pollinger Volume 2 pages 385-756
B 48 F 26 United States Circuit Court of Appeals No. 9594 2 copies America Olivera Pollinger vs RBBB
B 48 F 27 Urbach Bros vs RBBB
B 48 F 28 Vahamian, Elsie et al vs RBBB
B 48 F 28 VanAcker, Gertrude vs RBBB
B 48 F 30 Varra, Pasquale vs RBBB
B 48 F 31 Vasconcellos, Roberto de vs RBBB
B 48 F 32 Vertes, Marcel, Designer (Floats, Props etc)
B 48 F 33 Vines, Roy E. et al vs. RBBB
B 48 F 34 Wages – (Unclaimed)
B 48 F 35 Walder, Arnold et al vs RBBB
B 48 F 36 Walker, Rephah vs RBBB
B 49 F 1 Walsh, Maurich vs RBBB
B 49 F 2 Washington D.C. Storm 1936 Misc Claims & Records RBBB
B 49 F 3 Watchinsky, Yella vs RBBB
B 49 F 4 Watkins, Irah J. vs RBBB
B 49 F 5 Weinstock, Margaret vs RBBB
B 49 F 6-7 Weisberg, Julia vs HRN & JRN
B 49 F 8 Welch, Lawrence vs RBBB & AGB
B 49 F 9 Weldy Max Wardrobe Dept, RBBB
B 49 F 10 Welk, Ferdinand, C.E. vs RBBB
B 49 F 11 Whelan, Mrs. Fenton vs RBBB
B 49 F 12 White Sulpher Springs & Yellowstone Park RR Co, John Ringling, President
B 49 F 13 Wickstrom, Claus vs RBBB 1941 (1 Booklet) No 41597
B 49 F 14 Wickstrom, Claus (2 Booklets) 1942 No 26755
B 49 F 15 Wilkinson, B.R. vs RBBB
B 49 F 16 Williams, John Roy vs H-W
B 49 F 17 Williams, Mortimer P. vs. RBBB 1936 Washington D.C. Blowdown
B 49 F 18 Wilson, Edith vs. AGB
B 49 F 19 Windisch, Mrs. Edward vs. RBBB
B 49 F 20 Winter Quarters – Baraboo Deeds Abstract of Title Sale (1926) of Car Shops & Other Pertinent Papers
B 49 F 21 Winter Quarters – Sarasota 1959 Investigation Into Causes & Remedies of Disappearance of RBBB Properties from Sarasota
B 49 F 22 Winter Quarters – Sarasota Corresp – Misc (1938)
B 49 F 23 Winter Quarters – Sarasota – Deed to said property, Description of Area.
B 49 F 24 Winter Quarters – Sarasota – Sail Loft
B 49 F 25-26 Winter Quarters – Sarasota (Store Room)
B 49 F 27 Winter Quarters – Sarasota Termination of Quarters and Disposal of Property & Eqpt
B 50 F 1 Winter Quarters Sarasota Termination of Quarters and Disposal of Property and Eqpt
B 50 F 2 Winter Quarters – Sarasota Wagon Shop
B 50 F 3 Wisconsin Mutual Liability Co vs. H-W
B 50 F 4 Wise, Fred J. vs. RBBB
B 50 F 5 Workmen’s Compensation RBBB – Misc
B 50 F 6 Wright, James vs. RBBB
B 50 F 7 Wright, William W. vs. RBBB
B 50 F 8 Wurtzel, Anna vs. RBBB
B 50 F 9 Yom Kam Troupe
B 50 F 10 Yost, Irvin vs. RBBB
B 51 Items Sold, Traded, Depreciated, and Died 1952-1953 (cards)
B 52 Items Sold, Traded, Depreciated, and Died ca. 1952-1955 (cards)
B 53 Items Sold, Traded, Depreciated, and Died ca. 1952-1955 (cards)
B 54 F 1 AALFS, Niffert vs. RBBB
B 54 F 2 Abbott Coin Counter Co. Inc.
B 54 F 3 Accounting Dept. RBBB
B 54 F 4 Ackerl, Franz & Mrs. (Horse Trainer)
B 54 F 5 Ackermann, Francois (Chimp Trainer) (DeJongh’s Chimps)
B 54 F 6 Acts – Misc.
B 54 F 7 Adair, Pamella vs. RBBB
B 54 F 8 Adams, Carl
B 54 F 9 Adanos Troupe Felix and Wilhelmina Hanus
B 54 F 10 Advance Dept. Advance Elephant Truck 1956
B 54 F 11 Advance Dept. Advertising – Misc. & Mixed
B 54 F 12 Advance Dept. Advertising – Outdoor (Billing)
B 54 F 13 Advance Dept. Advertising – Press
B 54 F 14 Advance Dept. Advertising – Radio & TV [1 of 2]
B 54 F 15 Advance Dept. Advertising – Radio & TV [2 of 2]
B 54 F 16 Advance Dept. Tickets Sales – Advance Tickets RBBB
B 54 F 17 Advertising Agencies – Misc.
B 54 F 18 Ahearn, Joseph A. vs. RBBB
B 54 F 19 Ahlberg, Karl & Erna (Die Naukos)
B 54 F 20 Airkem Corp. W.H. Wheeler Inc.
B 54 F 21 Al G. Kelly & Miller Bros. Circus Obert Miller & Dores Miller
B 54 F 22 Al Ringling Theatre Baraboo, WI
B 54 F 23 Alabama, State of
B 54 F 24 Albany, NY
B 54 F 25 Albert Woodley Co. Adv. Agency 1 of 4 File Folders
B 54 F 26 Albert Woodley Co. Adv. Agency 2 of 4 File Folders
B 54 F 27 Albert Woodley Co. Adv. Agency 3 of 4 File Folders
B 54 F 28 Albert Woodley Co. Adv. Agency 4 of 4 File Folders
B 54 F 29 Alien Bond Procedures – Alien Bond Matters
B 54 F 30 Allaire, Lucien vs. RBBB
B 54 F 31 Allvine, Glendon RBBB Press Agent
B 54 F 32 Althers, Barbara vs. RBBB
B 54 F 33 American Airlines Inc.
B 54 F 34 American Broadcasting et al.
B 54 F 35 American Quarter Horse Assn.
B 54 F 36 ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)
B 54 F 37 Allen, Ralph
B 54 F 38 Anderson, John Murray, RBBB “Spec” Stage Mgr. Asst. Dance Director
B 54 F 39 Anderson, Kay Farrell
B 54 F 40 Andes, Andy vs RBBB
B 54 F 41 Andrews, James Benny
B 54 F 42 Animal Dealers
B 54 F 43 Animal Exchange (Amer. Assn. of Zool. Parks)
B 54 F 44 Antes, William RBBB Agent
B 54 F 45 Antico, Isabelle & Leonard vs. RBBB
B 54 F 46 Aponik, Mary vs. RBBB
B 54 F 47 Arata, Margit vs. RBBB
B 54 F 48 Argo Inc. vs. RBBB
B 54 F 49 Arizona, State of
B 54 F 50 Armory (Kingsbridge) (NY) DeVaney, John A.
B 54 F 51 Armour & Co.
B 54 F 52 Arnosi, Julian E. 1959
B 54 F 53 Arthritis & Rheumatism Foundation
B 54 F 54 Arturos-Acrobats Arthur Duchek & Katharina and Franzisca Duchek
B 54 F 55 Association Press
B 54 F 56 Atlanta, GA
B 54 F 57 Atlantic Adv. & MFG. Co.
B 54 F 58 Attilana Troupe
B 54 F 59 Atwell, Marion vs. RBBB
B 54 F 60 Atwood, Emily M. vs. RBBB
B 54 F 61 Austgen, James
B 54 F 62 Austin, Leonard vs. RBBB
B 54 F 63 Austin, TX
B 54 F 64 Australia
B 54 F 65 Auto Accidents RBBB 1951
B 54 F 66 Auto Accidents RBBB 1952
B 54 F 67 Auto Accidents RBBB 1953
B 54 F 68 Auto Accidents RBBB 1955
B 54 F 69 Auto Accidents RBBB 1956
B 54 F 70 Automobiles (RBBB)
B55 F 1 Avanti Troupe Gustav, Avanti, Lucio Janz, Herta Becker, Marga Kirehhart
B 55 F 2 Avis Rent-A-Car System
B 55 F 3 Backstein, Bert, Decatur, IL Re, Permission to use RBBB title on Miniature Circus
B 55 F 4 Bailey, Anna M. vs. RBBB
B 55 F 5 Bailey, George vs. RBBB
B 55 F 6 Baldwin, Roscoe vs. RBBB
B 55 F 7 Bale, Edwin T. (Trevor)
B 55 F 8 Balloon Tent
B 55 F 9 Baltimore, MD
B 55 F 10 Banahan, Dick, RBBB Public Relations &Sales Promotion Rep.
B 55 F 11 Band RBBB
B 55 F 12 Bank, Mrs. Mary vs. RBBB
B 55 F 13 Barbette, Vander Production Designer & Producer
B 55 F 14 Barling Estate
B 55 F 15 Barnes Bros. Circus
B 55 F 16 Barstow, Richard & Edith
B 55 F 17 Barton & Bailey Circus
B 55 F 18 Bartoni, Fritzi vs. RBBB
B 55 F 19 Bary, Howard Y.
B 55 F 20 Baseball (Professional)
B 55 F 21 Bauer, Elizabeth vs. RBBB
B 55 F 22 Baumgartner, Dorst
B 55 F 23 Beach, Walrath J. RBBB Agent
B 55 F 24 Becker, Maximiliane Showgirl
B 55 F 25 Beckwith, Alfred H. Musician
B 55 F 26 Beecher, Thomas
B 55 F 27 Belavic, George
B 55 F 28 Bellbrook, Corp. vs. RBBB
B 55 F 29 Bell, George vs. RBBB
B 55 F 30 Bell, Ralph R. vs. RBBB
B 55 F 31 Berlin, Irving
B 55 F 32 Berosini, Josephine
B 55 F 33 Bertelsen, Dr. William Neponset, Illinois “Air-O-Mobile”
B 55 F 34 Bertram Mills Circus
B 55 F 35 Betner, Edward and Betner, Louise vs. RBBB
B 55 F 36 Billy Smart’s Circus (England)
B 55 F 37 Bisbini, Antoinette Performer
B 55 F 38 Blanchfield, Dave “Deacon”
B 55 F 39 Blue Cross (Assos. Hospital Services)
B 55 F 40 Blumberg, Marian vs. RBB&H and M Sq. G.
B 55 F 41 Boggs, William
B 55 F 42 Bombe, John et al vs. RBBB
B 55 F 43 Bondy, Richard C.
B 55 F 44 Booking Agents
B 55 F 45 Borch, Karl Heinz (Performer)
B 55 F 46 Bosanac, Milan (Performer)
B 55 F 47 Boston, Mass
B 55 F 48 Boswell Bros. Circus
B 55 F 49-51 Boudinot, F.A. “Babe” General Agent-RBBB
B 55 F 52 Bowen, Evelyn Vs. RBBB
B 55 F 53 Braathen, Sverre O., Attorney, Madison, WI
B 55 F 54 Bradna, Fred
B 55 F 55 Bradshaw, Richard vs. RBBB
B 55 F 56 Brassil, John J. RBBB and AGBSF Bill Car Mgr
B 55 F 57 Braun, Anna Amy vs. RBBB
B 55 F 58 Brooks Costume Co. – Brooks Uniform Co.
B 55 F 59 Brouillette, Sandra vs. RBBB
B 55 F 60 Brown Bern,-Brown Construction Co.-Contractor for Bldg-Venice, FL Winter Quarters (Also Sub Contractors)
B 55 F 61 Brown, Oscar J. vs. RBBB
B 55 F 62 Brown, Robert
B 55 F 63 Brumfield, Roy and Brumfield, Henry vs. RBBB
B 55 F 64 Buchanon, Fred
B 55 F 65 Buda, Mrs. Lee vs. RBBB
B 55 F 66 Buffalo Forge Co.
B 55 F 67 Bully Company (Acrobats) Bernard Gartmann-Heinz Bieda-Marianne Thomas
B 55 F 68 Bumpus, Donald – RBBB Employee
B 55 F 69 Bundy, Rudy [1958-1959]
B 55 F 70 Burak, Anne vs. RBBB
B 55 F 71 Burke, Michael – RBBB – General Mgr. 1 of 2 Files
B 55 F 72 Burke, Michael – RBBB - General Mgr. 2 of 2 Files
B 55 F 73 Burket, John
B 55 F 74 Burkhard, Lucille vs. RBBB
B 55 F 75 Burkhardt, Dorothy vs. RBBB
B 56 F 1-4 Burkhart, Noyelles D.
B 56 F 5 Burman, Harry S. – Riley, George – Midget Clowns
B 56 F 6 Burnham, Evan Deceased vs. RBBB
B 56 F 7 Burton, Alfred Acrobatic Act
B 56 F 8 Busses – RBBB Personnel Busses
B 56 F 9 Butler, Al
B 56 F 10 Butler, Roland RBBB Press
B 56 F 11 Byrne, Mary E.
B 56 F 12 Caesar, Irv – Musical Composer – RBBB
B 56 F 13 Caledonia – Private RR Car
B 56 F 14 California, State of
B 56 F 15 Callahan, Beatrice vs. RBBB
B 56 F 16 Calvagna, Cal vs. RBBB
B 56 F 17 Camel Cigarettes
B 56 F 18 Cameron, Susana (Narran Correll) Performer
B 56 F 19 Canada
B 56 F 20 Canadian National Exhibition
B 56 F 21 Canestrelli, Giuseppe and Adelaide (Delia) Felicieli-Accrobats. Also Anna & other Felicielis
B 56 F 22 Canestrellis – Olga, Aurelia, Pietro, Oresto
B 56 F 23 Canfield, John T. vs. RBBB
B 56 F 24 Canovas, The Two – Roger Andre – Enrico Arnoldo
B 56 F 25 Canton, OH
B 56 F 26 Cantrell et al vs. RBBB
B 56 F 27 Canvas Dept.
B 56 F 28 Carmenas Troupe – Adolph Kleber – Carmen Kleber
B 56 F 29 Carmichael, Margaret Ann Performer
B 56 F 30 Carrier Corporation – Air Conditioners
B 56 F 31 Carroll, Norman
B 56 F 32 Carroll, Phillip J. – Animal Agent – Dealer
B 56 F 33 Case, Mary Fallon vs. RBBB
B 56 F 34 Castro, Emma Poblador – Performer
B 56 F 35 Causkey, Edward Death
B 56 F 36 Central Ptg. & ILL. Litho Co. Chicago, IL
B 56 F 37 Cervone, Izzy
B 56 F 38 Chamber of Commerce Assn. of Commerce
B 56 F 39 Chandler, Richard vs. RBBB
B 56 F 40 Chariott, Jean vs. RBBB
B 56 F 41 Charlottesville, VA
B 56 F 42 Chauffeurs - Chauffeurs’ Licenses etc.
B 56 F 43 Chevrolet Motor Division – General Motors Corp.
B 56 F 44 Cheyenne, WY
B 56 F 45 Chicago International Trade Fair
B 56 F 46 Chicago Office RBBB
B 56 F 47 Chicago Show Printing Co.
B 56 F 48 Chicago Zoological Park – Chicago Zoological Society – Chicago, IL
B 56 F 49 Chiesa, Sergio – Chiesa, Angela – Chiesa, Vinicio – Performers
B 56 F 50 Childers, Morris G. vs. RBBB
B 56 F 51 Christy & Gorilla – Andre Paul Biscogno – Nadia Boudiakoff
B 56 F 52 Circus Fans Misc.
B 56 F 53-56 Circus Sandwich Shop – Venice – (Paul Levins & Bill Perry)
B 56 F 57 Circus World Museum
B 56 F 58 City Licenses – Misc. Cities
B 56 F 59 Clawson, Ralph
B 56 F 60 Cleaver-Brooks Co.
B 56 F 61 Coatoan, Thomas R. vs. RBBB
B 56 F 62 Coble, Rosie Alice vs. RBBB
B 56 F 63 Coca Cola Co.
B 56 F 64 Cochran, Faye vs. RBBB
B 56 F 65 Cochrane, Maude J. vs. RBBB
B 56 F 66 Cohen, Lea Performer
B 56 F 67 Colgate-Palmolive Co.
B 56 F 68 Collazo, Jose et al. vs. RBBB
B 56 F 69 Collin Street Bakery
B 56 F 70 Collins, Willie A. vs. RBBB
B 56 F 71 Columbia Pictures Corp.
B 56 F 72 Columbia Records
B 56 F 73 Combs & Murphine – Attys – Los Angeles, CA
B 57 F 1 Commercial Tie-ins (W/RBBB) 1948
B 57 F 2 Commercial Tie-ins (W/RBBB) 1949
B 57 F 3 Commercial Tie-ins (W/RBBB) 1950
B 57 F 4 Commercial Tie-ins (W/RBBB) 1951-1957
B 57 F 5 Commissary Dept. RBBB
B 57 F 6 Complaints
B 57 F 7 Compliments
B 57 F 8 Composers, Authors, & Publishers of Canada
B 57 F 9 Comstock, Tommy
B 57 F 10 Conant, Bill
B 57 F 11 Concession Dept. – RBBB
B 57 F 12 Condon, Mrs Joseph O. vs. RBBB – Woman Attacked by Lionness in NY Daily News Bldg –1960
B 57 F 13 Connaroe vs. RBBB
B 57 F 14 Connecticut, State of
B 57 F 15 Consolidated Tours
B 57 F 16 Contract Forms – Arena Contracts
B 57 F 17 Cooke (R.F.) Mfg. Co. vs. RBBB
B 57 F 18 Cordon Troupe – Geidt, Dietrich et al also Wimmer, Ingrid
B 57 F 19 Corey, Robert vs. RBBB
B 57 F 20-29 Correspondence, General RBBB, N.J. Schiavene, Comptroller
B 57 F 30 Correspondence Inter Office, Misc. RBBB 1960
B 57 F 31 Correspondence Inter Office, Misc. RBBB 1961
B 57 F 32 Correspondence Inter Office, Misc. RBBB 1962
B 58 F 1 Correspondence Inter Office, Misc. RBBB 1963
B 58 F 2 Cosby, Natalie M. vs. RBBB
B 58 F 3 Courtin, James E. and Link, Robert S. vs. RBBB
B 58 F 4 Cowan, James
B 58 F 5 Cracker Jack Co.
B 58 F 6 Crain, Dorothy vs. RBBB
B 58 F 7 Crane Auto Storage vs. RBBB
B 58 F 8 Craven, Mrs. Edward vs. RBBB
B 58 F 9 Cristiani Cristiani Bros. Circus, Cristiani, Pete et al
B 58 F 10 Crocker vs. Crocker
B 58 F 11 Crowther, F.J. vs. RBBB
B 58 F 12 Cruz, Joaquin Santos Performer
B 58 F 13 Cueto, Joseph J. Performer
B 58 F 14 Cupers (Los Cupers) Juggling, Pedro & Maria Garcia, Jose J. Cueto, Carmen R. Perez
B 58 F 15 Curtis, Raymond vs. RBBB
B 58 F 16 Daigle, Gaston vs. RBBB
B 58 F 17 Dailey Bros. Circus
B 58 F 18 Dallas, TX
B 58 F 18 Daly, George vs. RBBB
B 58 F 20 Daniel Leeds Miller Inc. vs. RBBB
B 58 F 21 Davi, Horace B. vs. RBBB
B 58 F 22 Davies, Harry RBBB Agent
B 58 F 23 Davis, Claude vs. RBBB
B 58 F 24 Davis, Earl Blount vs. RBBB
B 58 F 25 Davis, Edgar vs. RBBB
B 58 F 26 Davis, Lillian RBBB NY Office
B 58 F 27 Davis, Margaret vs. RBBB
B 58 F 28 Davis, Phillip M. et al vs. RBBB
B 58 F 29 Davis, Walpole
B 58 F 30 Davisson, Wm. G. Atty. Ardmore, OK John Ringling Estate Property
B 58 F 31 Day, Berry & Howard – Atty’s Hartford, CT
B 58 F 32 Dechapur & Ruta Act, Robert Emil Meier, Ruth Meier, Frieda Meier
B 58 F 33 DeFrance, Frank W.
B 58 F 34 DeJonghe Chimpanzees, Victor DeJonghe, Alphonse DeJonghe
B 58 F 35 DeJonghe’s Dogs, Octave DeJonghe, Anna Adeline DeJonghe, Francois Ackermann
B 58 F 36 Delaware, State of
B 58 F 37 DeMoulin Bros. & Co., Uniforms & Equipment, Greenville, IL
B 58 F 38 DeMuth, Henry Deceased
B 58 F 39 DeOliveira, Carmelia vs. RBBB
B 58 F 40 Deotte, Margaret vs. RBBB
B 58 F 41 Detroit, MI
B 58 F 42 Dewey Bros. Co.
B 58 F 43 Dewey, Thomas E., Presidential Campaign
B 58 F 44 DeWolfe, Fred G. Asst. Treas. – RBBB
B 58 F 45 Dining Dept. RBBB
B 58 F 46 Dinnat Troupe
B 58 F 47 Disoway & Fisher (Adv. Agency)
B 58 F 48 Dodson’s World’s Fair Shows
B 58 F 49 Doherty, Mae vs. RBBB
B 58 F 50 Doll, Bill Bill Dol & Co.
B 58 F 51 Donahue, J.C.
B 58 F 52 Dover, Bob Supt. Perf. Personnel – RBBB
B 58 F 53 Downs, Miss Sylvia, Hold Harmless Agreements
B 58 F 54 Drake, Bernard vs. RBBB
B 58 F 55 Drew, Charles vs. RBBB
B 58 F 56 Droisen, Audrey vs. RBBB
B 58 F 57-60 Dube, Harry S., Program Book Dept. RBBB
B 58 F 61 Duggan Bros. Circus vs. John Robinson Show Co. 1934 re 1934, Infringement of
John Robinson Title
B 58 F 62 Dulczak, Michael vs. RBBB
B 58 F 63 Dunn, William P. RBBB Treas.
B 58 F 64 Duryea, M.J. (Duryea Automobile Family)
B 58 F 65-67 Duval, Herm
B 59 F 1-3 Eagles, Paul RBBB, Agent
B 59 F 4 Eastern Hotel Co. vs. Sells Floto Circus
B 59 F 5 Eaves Costume Mfg. Co. NY, NY
B 59 F 6 Edward, T. Finneran Co. vs. RBBB
B 59 F 7 Eighmy, Mrs. J.H. vs. RBBB
B 59 F 8 Einstein, Beatrice vs. RBBB and M.SQ.G.
B 59 F 9 Eisenhower, Dwight D.
B 59 F 10-11 Eisner & Lubin RBBB C.P.A.
B 59 F 12 EKO & IKO Muse, George & Willie, Side Show Performers
B 59 F 13 Elephant Rental
B 59 F 14 Elephant Stampede, Kennewick, WA 1955
B 59 F 15 Elliott, John vs. RBBB
B 59 F 16 Ellis Machinery & Supply Co. vs. RBBB
B 59 F 17 Empire Poster Ptng. Co.
B 59 F 18-20 Employment Applications
B 59 F 21-23 Engel, Judge & Miller Atty’s
B 59 F 24 Enquirer Job Ptg. Co.
B 59 F 25 Erie Lithograph & Ptg. Co. Erie, PA
B 59 F 26 Evans, Ann vs. RBBB
B 59 F 27 Evans, Merle
B 59 F 28 Fannin, Mrs. J.C. vs. RBBB
B 59 F 29 Farley, Hon. Jas. A.
B 59 F 30 Farley, Margaret vs. RBBB
B 59 F 31 Fawcett-Dearing Ptg. Co., C.T. Dearing Ptg. Co. (Printer RBBB Route Books)
B 59 F 32 Feder, Beatrice vs. RBBB
B 59 F 33 Feld, Irvin
B 59 F 34 Felicioli, Anna Maria Performer
B 59 F 35 Fenner, Walcott (Cotton)
B 59 F 36 Finney, Clint W.
B 59 F 37 Fields, William RBBB Press Agent
B 59 F 38 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.
B 59 F 38 Fischer, Mrs. George vs. RBBB
B 59 F 40 Fisher, Leo vs. RBBB
B 59 F 41 Flanagan vs. RBBB
B 59 F 42 Flanagan, Frank vs. RBBB
B 59 F 43 Floats RBBB Spec. Floats
B 59 F 44 Floody, Mrs. E.J. vs. RBBB
B 59 F 45 Florida Industrial Comm.
B 59 F 46 Florida, State of
B 59 F 47 Florida Toursit Assn. The Sarasota Review
B 59 F 48 Flynn, Frank vs. Hw
B 59 F 49 Fogarty Bros. Transfer Co. Tampa, FL, Transportation of Gorillas 1960
B 59 F 50 Forbes Lithograph Mfg. Co.
B 59 F 51 Form Letters
B 59 F 52 Forstall, Theo.
B 59 F 53 Fort Wayne, IN
B 59 F 54 Fort Worth, TX
B 59 F 55 Foust, Monica Lea vs. RBBB
B 59 F 56 Fowzer, Hugh and Carruthers, E.P. vs. RBBB
B 60 F 1 Fox, Charles P. (Chappie)
B 60 F 2 Fox, Clifford William
B 60 F 3 Frank Music Corp.
B 60 F 4 Fraser, Harold B. vs. RBBB Accident with Elephant
B 60 F 5 Freedman, Zac RBBB Agent
B 60 F 6 Friends of the Circus (General Corresp. from Misc. Friends of RBBB and Circus)
B 60 F 7 Front Door Dept. RBBB
B 60 F 8 Frost & Jacobs Atty’s
B 60 F 9 Fruehauf Trailer Co., Fruehauf Trailer Finance Co.
B 60 F 10 Fuka, Dora vs. RBBB (Baltimore Explosion Case)
B 60 F 11 Fuller, Thomas vs. RBBB
B 60 F 12 Fullgrapp, Hermann, Fullgrapp, Frieda (Fredonas)
B 60 F 13 G & G Metals Co.
B 60 F 14 Gardner Surgical Supply
B 60 F 15 Gargantua the Great 1930s-October 1949
B 60 F 16 Gargantua the Great 1949-1958 (death, remains, etc.)
B 60 F 17 Garrett, Arthur (Atty)
B 60 F 18 Gartman, Bernard
B 60 F 19 Gelff, Mrs. Celia vs. RBBB
B 60 F 20 Genders, Harold
B 60 F 21 General Artist Corp.
B 60 F 22 General Motors Corp.
B 60 F 23 General Outdoor Advertising Co.
B 60 F 24 Geneva, NY (Blowdown July 1, 1956)
B 60 F 25 Genin, Albert & Anastasia and Flanga, Patricia vs. RBBB
B 60 F 26 George, Sam vs. RBBB
B 60 F 27 Georgia, State of
B 60 F 28 Gerber, Mrs. Frank vs. RBBB
B 60 F 29 Gerdy, Geraldine et al vs. RBBB and M.Sq. G.
B 60 F 30 Gibney, Gus
B 60 F 31 Gibson, Julie vs. RBBB
B 60 F 32 Giles & Ransome, Caterpillar Tractor Dealer
B 60 F 33 Gimbel Bros., Philadelphia, PA
B 60 F 34 Glassey, Irene vs. RBBB
B 60 F 35 Glenn, Thomas A. vs. RBBB
B 60 F 36 Globe Ticket Co.
B 60 F 37 Goebel, Louis
B 60 F 38 Goetz, E. Ray
B 60 F 39 Gomprecht & Benesch
B 60 F 40 Gonzales, Celia
B 60 F 41 Gonzales, Francisco H.
B 60 F 42 Gordon, Dr. Philip vs. RBBB
B 60 F 43 Gosman, Sam (Deceased) vs. RBBB
B 60 F 44 Grach, Yvonne Vander
B 60 F 45 Graham-Paige Corp.
B 60 F 46 Great American Indemnity Co.
B 60 F 47 Greater Show World (Magazine)
B 60 F 48 Greatest Show on Earth Movie
B 60 F 49 Greatest Show on Earth Sub Title
B 60 F 50 Green, Nat Mgr. RBBB Chicago Office
B 60 F 51 Greensboro, NC
B 60 F 52 Griebling, Otto
B 60 F 53 Griffin, J.R.
B 60 F 54 Groeltz, Fred A. vs. RBBB
B 60 F 55 Gross, Francis vs. RBBB
B 60 F 56 Gross, Rudolph vs. RBBB
B 60 F 57 Grossman, Samuel, Musical Production Dir. RBBB
B 60 F 58 Haas, William T. vs. RBBB
B 60 F 59-60 Hagenbeck (Germany) Lorenz Hagenbeck Carl Hagenbect et al
B 60 F 61-62 Haley, James A. RBBB Executive
B 60 F 63 Haley, Mrs. James (Aubrey)
B 60 F 64 Halfhill, George Jr.
B 60 F 65 Halstead, J.V. vs. RBBB
B 60 F 66 Hamm, Hollis J. vs. RBBB
B 60 F 67 Hammond, Freddie vs. RBBB
B 60 F 68 Hammond, Harold E. vs. RBBB
B 60 F 69 Hanes, George vs. RBBB
B 60 F 70 Hankins, Thomas vs. RBBB
B 60 F 71 Hannon Floor Covering Co. vs. RBBB
B 60 F 72 Hardin vs. RBBB
B 60 F 73 Harlow, Esther, RBBB
B 60 F 74 Harmon, Buren Lee vs. RBBB
B 60 F 75 Harmon, Cynthia vs. RBBB
B 60 F 76 Harms Music Publishers
B 60 F 77 Harness
B 60 F 78 Harrington, Mrs. W.H. vs. RBBB
B 60 F 79 Harris, Jeanine
B 61 F 1 Hart, J.B. vs. RBBB
B 61 F 2 Haskins & Sells C.P.A.
B 61 F 3 Hatch, Alden
B 61 F 4 Hathaway, Carl T.
B 61 F 5 Havana Greyhound Kennel Club
B 61 F 6 Havemann, Dietrich
B 61 F 7 Hay & Grain
B 61 F 8 Hayes, Katherine vs. RBBB
B 61 F 9 Hayes, Pdell, Algase et al Atty’s
B 61 F 10 Hayslett, John Alexander
B 61 F 11 Hazen, Victoria vs. RBBB
B 61 F 12 Heidmann, Mabel vs. RBBB
B 61 F 13 Hendrix, John P. vs. RBBB
B 61 F 14 Hennessey, William R. vs. RBBB
B 61 F 15 Hennies Bros. Shows
B 61 F 16 Hermsen, Friedrich H.
B 61 F 17 Herring, Solomon vs. RBBB
B 61 F 18 Hickey, John, Arena MGRS Assn.
B 61 F 19 Higgins, Joseph T. vs. RBBB
B 61 F 20-22 Hildreth, Melvin D. Attorney
B 61 F 23 Hill, Geraldine vs. RBBB
B 61 F 24 Hixon, Howard S. vs. RBBB
B 61 F 25-27 Hodges, Reavis McGrath et al Atty’s (Robert Thrum)
B 61 F 28 Hoffman, Kenneth A. vs. RBBB
B 61 F 29 Hold Backs
B 61 F 30 Holiday on Ice 1963-1964
B 61 F 31 Homscheck, Frederick J. vs. RBBB
B 61 F 32 Hoppe Ingeborg also Renate Bleckert, Josefine Wirtz
B 61 F 33-34 Hopper, Arthur RBBB General Agent
B 61 F 35 Hornbeck, Mr. & Mrs.
B 61 F 36 Horse Meat
B 61 F 37 Horton Molor Lines Inc. vs. RBBB etal
B 61 F 38 Hospital RR Car Purchase, Repurchase of 25 Government Hospital Railroad Cars 1947 for RBBB
B 61 F 39 Hotels
B 61 F 40 Houcke, Nadia
B 61 F 41 Howard, Holly vs. RBBB
B 61 F 42 Hubbard, Celo vs. RBBB
B 61 F 43 Hudson Tubes Advertising Co.
B 61 F 44 Hullum, Mrs. Sue vs. RBBB
B 61 F 45 Hulteen, Charles vs. RBBB
B 61 F 46 Hultman, Virginia vs. RBBB
B 61 F 47 Humane Society
B 61 F 48 Hurov, Albert vs. RBBB
B 61 F 49 Hurricane S.S. Ship, Avani Troupe, Freddie Troup
B 61 F 50 Hutsell, Bob RBBB Musical Prod. Dir.
B 61 F 51 Hyland, William vs. RBBB
B 61 F 52 Ice Capades
B 61 F 53 Ider, Erik B.M.
B 61 F 54 Illinois – State of
B 61 F 55 Indiana – State of
B 61 F 56 Indianapolis, IN vs. RBBB (Street Damage Claim)
B 61 F 57 International Business Machines
B 61 F 58 International Holiday on Ice Co.
B 61 F 59 Iowa – State of
B 61 F 60 Iron & Steel Products Co.
B 61 F 61 Irvington (NJ) Showgrounds Matter
B 61 F 62 Jacks of Hollywood (Wardrobe Makers)
B 61 F 63 Jackson, Ernest vs. RBBB
B 61 F 64 Jackson, Florine vs. RBBB
B 61 F 65 Jackson, Mrs. Kirkwood vs. RBBB
B 61 F 66 Jacobs, Capt Terrell Wild Animal Trainer
B 61 F 67 Jacobs, Lou
B 61 F 68 Jacobsen, Mrs. Anna vs. RBBB
B 61 F 69 Jacobsen, O.K. vs. RBBB
B 61 F 70 James E. Strates Shows Inc.
B 61 F 71 Japan
B 61 F 72 Jazzbo Clown ‘Funny Ford’
B 61 F 73 Joe-Henry Stage Props
B 62 F 1 John & Mabel Ringling Museum of Art
B 62 F 2-4 John Ringling Hotel
B 62 F 5 Johnny J. Jones Exposition
B 62 F 6 Johnson, Martin Death
B 62 F 7 Johnston, Mrs. J.M. vs. RBBB
B 62 F 8 Jomar J RN’s Private Car Re Maint. and Stocking of Same with Liquors, Foods etc.
B 62 F 9 Jordan, Ethel and Schindler, Miss D. vs. RBBB
B 62 F 10 Joy, Harper
B 62 F 11 Junger, Miss Esther, Dance Director RBBB
B 62 F 12 Jungmeyer, Walter J., Dodge-Plymouth Dealer, Tampa, FL Source of Bulk Purchases of RBBB Motor Vehicles
B 62 F 13 Kadlick, Hilda vs. RBBB
B 62 F 14 Kaniff, Edward vs. RBBB
B 62 F 15 Kansas – State of
B 62 F 16 Karoly Troupe, Evy Kunkel (Karoly), Erneste Marton (Karoly), Margarete Marton (Karoly)
B 62 F 17 Karsham, William
B 62 F 18 Kaufman Co. Custom House Brokers
B 62 F 19 Keck, Ed
B 62 F 20 Kelley, F. Beverlay
B 62 F 21 Kelley, John M. (Atty)
B 62 F 22 Kelly, Ed, Sarasota
B 62 F 23 Kelly, Emmett
B 62 F 24 Kentucky – State of & Lieut. Lee Allen Estes
B 62 F 25 Kernan, Walter
B 62 F 26 Kerrigan, John W. vs. RBBB
B 62 F 27 Keltz vs. RBBB
B 62 F 28 Kilby, Donald S.
B 62 F 29 King, Floyd
B 62 F 30 King, Gloria vs. RBBB
B 62 F 31 King, Mrs. Emma vs. RBBB et al
B 62 F 32 King Ranch Account
B 62 F 33 Kinnucan, Robert C. vs. RBBB
B 62 F 34 Kirk & Pinkerton and Kirk-Pinkerton Sparrow etc.
B 62 F 35 Klar, Arthur Program Publishing Co.
B 62 F 36 Klose, Hans
B 62 F 37 Knapp, Bert RBBB Musical Arranger
B 62 F 38 Knie, Circus Knie (Switzerland)
B 62 F 39 Knoblaugh, H. Edward
B 62 F 40 Kristiamo, Sveno, Horseman
B 62 F 41 Kuhry, Curtis vs. RBBB
B 62 F 42 Kutty, Mossa, Side Show Performer
B 62 F 43 Lacy, Mrs. R.R. et al vs. RBBB
B 62 F 44 Lader, Ette vs. RBBB
B 62 F 45 LaFleaur, Sarah vs. RBBB
B 62 F 46 Lakeland, Florida
B 62 F 47 Lancaster, Stuart
B 62 F 48 Lanford, J.R. et al vs. RBBB
B 62 F 49 Lansing, Morley vs. RBBB
B 62 F 50 Lapeyrouse, Mrs. Gustav vs. RBBB
B 62 F 51 LaPlant, Harry vs. RBBB
B 62 F 52 LaPlante, Joe
B 62 F 53 LaRay Boot Shop, NY, NY
B 62 F 54 Large, Foy
B 62 F 55 Lashinsky, Harry, National Attractions Inc. Agent
B 62 F 56 Laundry Dept RBBB
B 62 F 57 Lazenberry, Robert vs. RBBB
B 62 F 58 Leaf Tent & Sail Co., Sarasota, FL
B 62 F 59 LeBlanc, Clifford vs. Long Island RR vs. RBBB
B 62 F 60 Lederer, Hans (International Theatrical Corp.)
B 62 F 61 Lee, Bob vs. RBBB
B 62 F 62 Lee, Leonard vs. RBBB
B 62 F 63 Legal Adjusters – Misc.
B 62 F 64 Legal Expense Items, Misc.
B 62 F 65 Leo, Josephine vs. RBBB
B 62 F 66 Lew & Leslie Grade Ltd, Booking Agency
B 62 F 67 Lewis, Laura vs. RBBB
B 62 F 68 Lewis Diesel Engine Co.
B 62 F 69 Lieb, Peter F. vs. RBBB
B 62 F 70 Life Magazine
B 62 F 71 Light Dept.
B 62 F 72 Liland, William vs. RBBB
B 62 F 73 Llaguno, Maria E.
B 62 F 74 Loesser, Frank
B 62 F 75 Logano (Luis Lorenzo Gonzales)
B 62 F 76 Lombard, Norman vs. RBBB
B 62 F 77 Longo, Ceil vs. RBBB
B 62 F 7 8Loos, Karl D. (Atty) Pope, Ballard & Loos
B 63 F 1-2 Loos, Karl D. (Atty) Pope, Ballard & Loos
B 63 F 3 Lord, Clark & Co. Sanitation
B 63 F 4 Lord, Irma B. vs. RBBB
B 63 F 5 Lots, Showgrounds
B 63 F 6 Louis Ruhe Inc.
B 63 F 7 Louisiana – State of
B 63 F 8 Louisville Color Gravure Co., Louisville, KY
B 63 F 9 Love, Jas T. vs. RBBB
B 63 F 10 Lowe, John, Weekly Payroll Food Deductions
B 63 F 11 Lubbock, Texas
B 63 F 12 Luciana – Friedel Troupe, Otto Schmidt, Friedel L. Paster, Emilie O. Paster
B 63 F 13 Lusk, Jas. D. vs. RBBB
B 63 F 1 4Lutten, Eric Agent for Animals and Acts from French Africa
B 63 F 15 Lynn, Thomas – Deceased
B 63 F 16 Lyons, Mae RBBB NY Office
B 63 F 17 Mack Truck Co.
B 63 F 18 Macy’s Department Store, NY, NY
B 63 F 18 Maffucci, Angelo vs. RBBB
B 63 F 20 Mahery, Frank, AGBSF Advance
B 63 F 21 Mahoney vs. RBBB
B 63 F 22 Mahoney, John D. vs. RBBB
B 63 F 23 Maine – State of
B 63 F 24 Male, George F. vs. RBBB
B 63 F 25 Malone, “Checkers” vs. AGB
B 63 F 26 “Man in the Moon”, Angela and Friedrich Kotosis
B 63 F 27 Management Corp. of America (Umberto Bedini – Italy)
B 63 F 28 Mandy, Albert vs. RBBB
B 63 F 29 Mangum, Carrie May & Mangum, James Robert vs. RBBB
B 63 F 30 Manning, Richard vs. RBBB
B 63 F 31 Marilex Troupe Banuelos, Alejandro and Domingo
B 63 F 32 Markowitz, Mary vs. RBBB
B 63 F 33 Marshall, John vs. RBBB
B 63 F 34 Martin, Josephine Claim
B 63 F 35 Martinez, Sylvester – Death
B 63 F 36 Maryland – State of
B 63 F 37 Masland Duraleather Co. (Seat Eqpt. & Materials)
B 63 F 38 Mason, Louis L. Atty Decatur, IL
B 63 F 39 Massachusetts – State of
B 63 F 40 Mastroiani, Angelo vs. RBBB
B 63 F 41 Matos, Avelino Perez (Pop-Eye—Side Show)
B 63 F 42 Matsumoto Troupe Case
B 63 F 43 Matzek, Joseph F. vs. RBBB
B 63 F 44 Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
B 63 F 45 Mayo, Ken RBBB Press Agent
B 63 F 46 McCandlish Lithograph Corp.
B 63 F 47 McCandlish Lithograph Corp RBBB Litho Poster Book Illustrated
B 63 F 48 McCaslin, James vs. RBBB
B 63 F 49 McClosky, Frank
B 63 F 50 McGarrity, R.J.
B 63 F 51 McKenna, Frederick
B 63 F 52 McKnight Associates 1959
B 63 F 53 Mead, Mary K. vs. RBBB
B 63 F 54 Mead, Tom, Tom Mead’s Garage, Shelby, IN
B 63 F 55 Meccia vs. RBBB
B 63 F 56 Memorial Hospital, Sarasota, FL
B 63 F 57 Menagerie Dept. RBBB General References Listing & Inventories Purchases Sales
B 63 F 58 Mendell, Herbert vs. RBBB
B 63 F 59 Mercurio, Girolamo, Chimp Handler
B 63 F 60 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc.
B 63 F 61 Miami (Dade County) Florida vs. RBBB (Street Damage Claim)
B 63 F 62 Miami, FL
B 63 F 63 Michigan – State of
B 63 F 64 Miller, Kenneth vs. RBBB
B 63 F 65 Milwaukee, WI
B 63 F 66 Minneapolis MN
B 63 F 67 Minnesota – State of
B 63 F 68 Mississippi – State of
B 63 F 69 Missouri, State of
B 63 F 70 Mistin et al “Mister Mistin”
B 63 F 71 Mitchell, Gerald E. RBBB Office Staff
B 63 F 72 Modern Age Furniture Corp.
B 63 F 73 Monroe Camel Bite Case, Monroe vs. RBBB
B 63 F 74 Montgomery, C.R.
B 63 F 75 Moonblatt, Samuel Atty, Philly, PA
B 63 F 76 Morales, Navo Lauro
B 63 F 77 Morgan Lithograph Co.
B 63 F 78 Morgan, Lloyd
B 63 F 79 Motor Vehicles (&Trlrs) RBBB
B 63 F 80 Mowry, Wesley vs. RBBB
B 63 F 81 Muller, Ursel
B 63 F 82 Mullineaux, Raymond vs. RBBB
B 63 F 83 Mulvey, Leo & Richard vs. RBBB
B 63 F 84 Munoz, Luis & Julia
B 63 F 85 Murchison, Mrs. Ross vs. RBBB
B 63 F 86 Murray, Mrs. Blance vs. RBBB
B 63 F 87 Murray Poster PTG. Co.
B 64 F 1 National Bedding Co. vs. RBBB
B 64 F 2 National Circus Museum
B 64 F 3 National Fire Protection Assn.
B 64 F 4 National Indemnity Co.
B 64 F 5 National Surety Corp. (Alien Bonds)
B 64 F 6 National Tin Can Co. vs. RBBB
B 64 F 7 Naumann, Hans Carl vs. RBBB
B 64 F 8 Naylor, Edward RBBB
B 64 F 9 Neal Walters Poster Corp. Eureka Springs, AR
B 64 F 10 Nelsestun, Mrs. Julius vs. RBBB
B 64 F 11 New England Transportation Co. (NY, NH RR Co.) vs. RBBB
B 64 F 12 New Jersey – State of
B 64 F 13 New York Bible Society
B 64 F 14 New York City
B 64 F 15 New York City, Child Labor Permits
B 64 F 16 New York Office RBBB
B 64 F 17 New York Press Photographers Assn.
B 64 F 18 New York – State of
B 64 F 19 New York, State of Dept. of Labor
B 64 F 20 New York, State of Industrial Commission Workmen’s Compensation
B 64 F 21 New York, State of Motor Vehicle Taxes and Forms
B 64 F 22 New York Subways Adv. Co.
B 64 F 23 New York World’s Fair 1939
B 64 F 24 New York World’s Fair 1964-1965
B 64 F 25 Newark, NJ
B 64 F 26-28 Newman & Bisco (Atty’s) (Leonard Bisco)
B 64 F 29 Newspapers – Misc.
B 64 F 30 Nocks High Pole Act
B 64 F 31 Noe, Dr. vs. AGBSF – RBBB
B 64 F 32 Nolen, Marvin vs. RBBB
B 64 F 33 Norder, Mrs. Lee and Sheely, B.E. re: Jacksonville Horse Stampede vs. RBBB
B 64 F 34 Norfolk, VA
B 64 F 35-37 Norman Bell Geddes & Co.
B 64 F 38 Norris, William P. vs. RBBB
B 64 F 39 North Carolina – State of
B 64 F 40 North, Elizabeth Palmer vs. RBBB
B 64 F 41 Nuchols (Nicholds?) vs. RBBB
B 64 F 42 O’Donnell, Roger O. Atty, Washington D.C.
B 64 F 43 Ogden, UT
B 64 F 44 Ohio – State of
B 64 F 45 Okapi
B 64 F 46 Oklahoma - State of
B 64 F 47 Oliveras Troupe, Francisco Oliveras, Francisca Navare Oliveras, Concepcion Navarro Oliveras, Francisco Novarro Oliveras
B 64 F 48 O’Mealia Outdoor Advertising – 1959
B 64 F 49 Oregon – State of
B 64 F 50 Orndorf, Samuel vs. RBBB
B 64 F 51 O’Rourke, Terrence RBBB Office Staff
B 64 F 52 Oscard, Paul Asst. to Staging of Show
B 64 F 53 Ostermaier, Wm.
B 65 F 1 Palacios, Flying
B 65 F 2 Palumbo’s Café Restaurant
B 65 F 3 Pappalardo, Sam T. vs. RBBB
B 65 F 4 Paramount Pictures Inc. “Greatest Show on Earth” Movie,1949
B 65 F 5-6 Paramount Pictures Inc. “Greatest Show on Earth” Movie,1950
B 65 F 7-8 Paramount Pictures Inc. “Greatest Show on Earth” Movie, 1951
B 65 F 9 Paramount Pictures Inc. “Greatest Show on Earth” Movie, 1952
B 65 F 10 Paramount Pictures Inc. “Greatest Show on Earth” Movie, 1953-1956
B 65 F 11 Paramount Pictures Inc. “Greatest Show on Earth” Movie, 1957-1960
B 65 F 12 Paramount Pictures Inc. Misc. Corresp.
B 65 F 13 Parent, Louis vs. RBBB
B 65 F 14 Parker, Dr. W. vs. RBBB
B 65 F 15 Parker, Miss Francis vs. RBBB
B 65 F 16 Parkinson, Tom
B 65 F 17 Parks, Bert (Tommy Productions) vs. RBBB
B 65 F 18 Parks, Thurn vs. RBBB
B 65 F 19 Passes Distribution etc.
B 65 F 20 Payne, Dr. vs. AGBSF
B 65 F 21 Pearce, Arthur and Georgens, Ann Marie vs. RBBB
B 65 F 22 Perey Turnstiles
B 65 F 23 Performance Reports – 1956 RBBB
B 65 F 24 Perry, William (Bill) RBBB – Sarasota, FL
B 65 F 25 Peterson, Peter Deceased, 4-17-57 Sarasota 2-20-57
B 65 F 26 Petterson, Gregg vs. RBBB
B 65 F 27 Phillips Petroleum Co.
B 65 F 28 Phillips, Samuel Gordon vs. RBBB
B 65 F 29 Pickett, Leon
B 65 F 30-31 Pickman, Milton RBBB Radio, TV Agent
B 65 F 32 “Piggy Back” Railroad System
B 65 F 33 Police Athletic League, Inc. NY, NY
B 65 F 34 Porretto, Antoinette vs. RBBB, Galveston, TX D/A Oct 17, 1955
B 65 F 35 Portland, OR
B 65 F 36 Power, James G., Comptroller, RBBB
B 65 F 37 Press Relations
B 65 F 38 Press Releases
B 65 F 39 Program Booklet, RBBB, Misc. Corresp. Advertising Costs, Bids Offered to Publish
B 65 F 40 Promoters Misc.
B 65 F 41 Proskow, William Jr. vs. RBBB
B 65 F 42 Public Relations – General RBBB
B 65 F 43 Publicity & Promotions
B 65 F 44 The Pullman Company – Pullman – Standard Car MFG – Co.
B 65 F 45-46 Purchase Orders (RBBB) 1956
B 66 F 1 Purchase Orders (RBBB) 1956
B 66 F 2-4 Purchase Orders (RBBB) 1957
B 66 F 5 Purchase Orders (RBBB) 1958
B 66 F 6 Purchases, All Depts, RBBB 1952 Full Inventory
B 66 F 7 Rabins, George vs. RBBB
B 66 F 8 Radinos, Aerobatic Bike Act
B 66 F 9 Radio City Music Hall
B 66 F 10 Radio Station, KA69868 – Mobile RBBB, Mobile Industrial Radio Station, Corresp. Permits, Licenses, etc.
B 66 F 11 Ragsdale, Joe et al vs. RBBB
B 66 F 12-13 Railroads Misc.
B 66 F 14 Rairden, Walter, RBBB Staff Legal Adj.
B 66 F 15 Rakov, Samuel vs. RBBB, Bill Posting Damage Claim
B 66 F 16 Randolph, Forrest vs. RBBB
B 66 F 17 Rayber vs. RBBB
B 66 F 18 Razzore, Emilio – Gran Circus Razzore
B 66 F 19 Ready, Patricia, Showgirl
B 66 F 20 Real Estate RBBB Real Estate
B 66 F 21 Reberte Troupe
B 66 F 22-24 Reddy, John F. (Atty) See Also – Engle, Judge & Miller
B 66 F 25 Redmond, Harry vs. RBBB
B 66 F 26 Reilly, Carol vs. RBBB
B 66 F 27 Reltz, Emma vs. RBBB
B 66 F 28 Remington Rand Co. – Operations Survey 1954
B 66 F 29 Renellys
B 66 F 30-31 Requisitions Orders – Misc. Purchase Requisitions
B 66 F 32 Reutenberg, Gus vs. RBBB
B 66 F 33 Reynolds, John E. vs. AGB
B 66 F 34 Rhodin, Trolle
B 66 F 35 Rice, Paul AGBSF Advance
B 66 F 36 Richman, Jack vs. RBBB
B 66 F 37 Richmond, VA
B 66 F 38 Rigging, Aerial Rigging
B 66 F 39 Ringling, Edith Conway vs. RBBB North Haley et al
B 66 F 40 Ringling, Emily vs. Ida Ringling et al
B 66 F 41 Ringling Museum of the Circus
B 66 F 42 Rizzon, Mary vs. RBBB and M SQ G
B 66 F 43 Robbins Bros. Circus
B 66 F 44 Roberts, Carrie L. vs. RBBB
B 66 F 45 Roberts, Lee RBBB Killed by Elephant
B 66 F 46 Robertson, Earl vs. RBBB
B 66 F 47 Rodriguez, Marcos & Vicenta “Rodry Bros”
B 66 F 48 Rodriguez, Suarez, Enrique & Rodriguez, Rosa et al – Loyal Riding Act
B 66 F 49 Roebuck, Gottlieb vs. RBBB
B 66 F 50 Rolly & Arry
B 66 F 51 Rood, Dixon & McEwen Attys – Tampa, FL
B 66 F 52 Roosevelt, Franklin D.
B 66 F 53 Rosen, Lewis RBBB Agent
B 66 F 54 Rosenblatt, Sol A. NY, NY – Agent to Negotiate Filming Movie “Greatest Show on Earth"
B 66 F 55 Rosenthal, Evelyn vs. RBBB
B 66 F 56 Route Books
B 66 F 57 Route Cards – Mailing List Cost
B 66 F 58 Route Suggestions and Invitations to Cities
B 66 F 59 Roy Smith Co. vs. RBBB
B 66 F 60 Royal American Shows
B 66 F 61 Rubber Matting (Ring Matts)
B 66 F 62 Rules & Procedures Announcements etc. to all RBBB Employees
B 66 F 63 Runs – Trains
B 66 F 64 Russell Bros. Circus – Russell Bros. Pan Pacific
B 67 F 1 Russell, Lorne M.
B 67 F 2 Russell Uniform Co.
B 67 F 3 Ruster, Harry (Albert W. Ansell) Clown Magician
B 67 F 4 Rycel, John vs. H.W. (Rikall)
B 67 F 5 Ryna, John Weldon vs. RBBB and Walter Royal
B 67 F 6 Sabotage – 1956 Investigation
B 67 F 7 Safety Research & Education etal – Safety Movie on Circus 1936
B 67 F 8 Saint Louis & Hannibal RR Co. (John Ringling Estate)
B 67 F 9 St. Louis, MO
B 67 F 10 Salt Lake City, UT
B 67 F 11 San Antonio, TX
B 67 F 12 Santos & Artigas Circus (Cuba)
B 67 F 13 Sarasota Art Assn.
B 67 F 14 Sarasota Attractions Council
B 67 F 15 Sarasota Chamber of Commerce
B 67 F 16 Savannah, GA
B 67 F 17 Sawyer’s Inc.-Mfctrer of Stereoptic Slides Color Post Cards etc.
B 67 F 18 Schaeffer & Laux Inc. vs. RBBB
B 67 F 19 Schiavone, NJ – RBBB Comptroller 1956-1958. See Also Corresp., General RBBB
B 67 F 20 Schooley, Minor son Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Schooley vs. RBBB
B 67 F 21-22 Schichtholz – Bedini Umberto Agent
B 67 F 23 Schlan, Julius vs. RBBB
B 67 F 24 Schmidt, Hugo
B 67 F 25 Schult, Fritz vs. RBBB
B 67 F 26 Schwartz, Bennett A. vs. RBBB
B 67 F 27 Seats/Seat Wagons/Seat Dept./RBBB
B 67 F 28 Seattle, WA
B 67 F 29 Sedlmayr, Carl & Family
B 67 F 30 Segura Family Arturo et al
B 67 F 31 Seifert, Marion Performer
B 67 F 32 Selznick Co. David Selznick
B 67 F 33 Serfass, Lloyd vs. JRN et al
B 67 F 34 Sesac Inc.
B 67 F 35 Sewell, John
B 67 F 36 Shea, Joseph RBBB Agent
B 67 F 37 Show Management Inc.
B 67 F 38 Sicks, H.S. RBBB Staff
B 67 F 39 Side Show Department 1949-1957
B 67 F 40 Smith, George W.
B 67 F 41 Smith, Jack S.
B 67 F 42 Smith, Rosie et al vs. RBBB
B 67 F 43 Smith, Royston James Performer
B 67 F 44 Social Security Matters/Al. G. Barnes Sells Floto 1938
B 67 F 45 Social Security Matters RBBB
B 67 F 46 Socony Mobil Oil Co. vs. RBBB
B 67 F 47 Sorg, Duncan & Bailey – Atty’s Newark, NJ
B 67 F 48 South Carolina, State of
B 67 F 49 South Dakota – State of
V277 Spec Music, 1954
B 67 F 50 Spiegel, Stephen – Atty. Spiegel, Maurice Atty.
B 67 F 51 Springfield, MA
B 67 F 52-53 Stable Dept. (Horses) RBBB
B 67 F 54 Staley, John M.
B 67 F 55 Stamford, Conn. (City of) vs. RBBB
B 67 F 56 Standard Duplicating Machines Co.
B 67 F 57 Standard Oil Co.
B 67 F 58 Stanton, Donald W. vs. RBBB
B 67 F 59 Stark, Robert vs. RBBB
B 67 F 60 Steel Pier, Atlantic City vs. RBBB
B 67 F 61 Steele, McCormick RBBB Staff
B 67 F 62 Sternberg Estate (RBBB Inherits Paintings)
B 67 F 63 Stevens, Bob Stevens Bros. Circus
B 67 F 64 Strother, Shelby F. vs. Misc.
B 67 F 65 Studio Alliance (Tommy Farrar) Production Number, Press, Producer of Equipment
B 67 F 66 Stupp, Philip vs. RBBB
B 67 F 67 Sullivan, Henry RBBB Musical Adviser
B 67 F 68 Super Shows Inc.
B 67 F 69 Suez, Howard Clyde Bros. Circus
B 68 F 1 Taft, Robert A. (Senator)
B 68 F 2 Talley, Roy E. vs. RBBB
B 68 F 3 Tampa, FL
B 68 F 4 Tavares, Kenneth R. vs. RBBB
B 68 F 5 Taylor Publishing Co. Publishers book “Ringling Bros. & Barnum & Bailey The Greatest Show on Earth” 1955-1956
B 68 F 6-8 Television Televised RBBB Performances
B 68 F 9 Tennessee – State of
B 68 F 10 Tent Flameproof Certification 1950-1956
B 68 F 11 Texarkana, TX
B 68 F 12 Texas – State of
B 68 F 13 Thorpe, Edw. O.
B 68 F 14 Thrall Car Mfg. Co. Chicago Hts. IL
B 68 F 15 Ticket Agencies
B 68 F 16 Ticket Dept. RBBB
B 68 F 17 Ticket Equipment
B 68 F 18 Tickner, Louis vs. RBBB
B 68 F 19 Titos Perch Act (Martin Reves Anacleto)
B 68 F 20 Todd, Richard vs. RBBB
B 68 F 21 Toledo, OH
B 68 F 22 Tonncilla, Florence vs. RBBB
B 68 F 23 Tracy Animal Land
B 68 F 24 Transportation Displays Inc.
B 68 F 25 Troestl or the Great Arturo, Bruno Troestl, also Maria Erich, Elianora & Bruno Jr.
B 68 F 26 Tru-Vue Film Productions, Rock Island, IL
B 68 F 27-31 Tupper, Waldo
B 68 F 32 Turner, Mrs. W.E. vs. RBBB
B 68 F 33 Tymoczko, Daniel
B 68 F 34 Ubangi Savages
B 68 F 35 Underprivileged Children Groups – RBBB
B 68 F 36 United Artists Studios
B 68 F 37 United States Gov’t – Federal
B 68 F 38 United States Ptg. & Litho Co.
B 68 F 39 Unwiller, Margaret vs. RBBB
B 68 F 40 Uscicki, Gerry
B 68 F 41 Ushers, RBBB
B 68 F 42 Uyeno, Albert S. & Troupe Performers
B 69 F 1 Valdo, Pat
B 69 F 2 Val-mery, Lorella RBBB Press Agent
B 69 F 3 VanDalinda, Chester A. vs. RBBB & MSqGds.
B 69 F 4 VanPraag Productions Inc.
B 69 F 5 Variety Magazine
B 69 F 6 Vaughan, Eddie
B 69 F 7 Velona, Anthony & Sisti, Sebastian
B 69 F 8 Venezuela, South America
B 69 F 9 Verdus, The 5
B 69 F 10 Vermont, State of
B 69 F 11 Versteeg, Edward
B 69 F 12 Vertes, Marcel-Producer RBBB Productions
B 69 F 13 Veterinarian
B 69 F 14 Vinckx, Frank C. vs. RBBB
B 69 F 15 Virgilio, Mrs. D. vs. Simon Virgileo
B 69 F 16 Virginia – State of
B 69 F 17 Volpe, Ronald vs. RBBB
B 69 F 18 Wabash Valley Trust Co. – Peru, IN
B 69 F 19 Waco, TX
B 69 F 20 Wadsworth, F.J. Auditor – RBBB
B 69 F 21 Waldorf – Astoria Hotel NYC
B 69 F 22 Wallace – Marion vs. RBBB
B 69 F 23 Wallenda – Wallenda, Karl, Wallenda Circus
B 69 F 24 Walt Disney Productions
B 69 F 25 War – Wartime (& Circus)
B 69 F 26 Ward, Matthew L. vs. RBBB
B 69 F 27 Wardrobe Dept. RBBB
B 69 F 28 Warren, PA
B 69 F 29 Warren Tank Car Co.
B 69 F 30 Warren, Walter M.
B 69 F 31 Warwick, Samuel vs. RBBB
B 69 F 32 Washington, D.C. – District of Columbia
B 69 F 33 Washington – State of
B 69 F 34 Waterloo, IA – Street Damage Claim – 1937
B 69 F 35 Watusi Dancers (Photographs)
B 69 F 36 Wayss, Paul
B 69 F 37 Weaver, H. Douglas – Atty – Washington, D.C.
B 69 F 38 Weisberg, vs. RBBB
B 69 F 39 Weldon, Williams & Lick – Inc. - 1954
B 69 F 40 Weldon, Williams & Lick – Inc. - 1955
B 69 F 41 Weldon, Williams & Lick – Inc. - 1956
B 69 F 42 Weldon, Williams & Lick – Inc. – 1957-1960
B 69 F 43 Weldon, Williams & Lick Misc.
B 69 F 44-47 Weldy, Max – Wardrobe Dept. RBBB
B 69 F 48 Wellington, Dr. H.W. re Clark, William H. vs. RBBB
B 69 F 49 Welsh, Elvin
B 69 F 50 Wendanis Acrobats
B 69 F 51 West Palm Beach, FL
B 69 F 52 West Virginia – State of
B 69 F 53 Western Newspaper Union
B 69 F 54 Whidden, Annice vs. RBBB
B 69 F 55 Whirlwinds
B 69 F 56 White, John vs. Atlantic Coast Line RR vs. RBBB
B 69 F 57 White, Miles
B 69 F 58 Wickstrom, Claus vs. RBBB
B 69 F 59 Wiedenmann, Henny & Margot
B 69 F 60 William Morris Agency – RBBB Agent for TV Ties
B 69 F 61 Wilson, Albert vs. RBBB
B 69 F 62 Wilson, Gardner RBBB Press Agent
B 69 F 63 Winter Dates – RBBB 1949-1951
B 69 F 64 Winter Quarters – Invitations to Move to
B 69 F 65 Winter Quarters – Sarasota, Admissions, Tours & Groups
B 69 F 66 Winter Quarters – Sarasota – Misc.
B 69 F 67 Winter Quarters – Sarasota – RBBB RR Sidings
B 69 F 68 Winter Quarters – Venice, FL
B 69 F 69 Wirtz, Arthur
B 69 F 70 Wirtz, Josephine
B 69 F 71 Wisconsin – State of – S.C. Braathen, RBBB Wis Att
B 69 F 72 Wong, Rosa
B 69 F 73 Woods, George
B 70 F 1 World’s Greatest Shows – Slogan
B 70 F 2 World Jungle Compound
B 70 F 3 Woska, Franz Wild Animal Trainer
B 70 F 4 Wursthorn, Carl et al vs. RBBB
B 70 F 5 Wyoming – State of
B 70 F 6 Yeckel, Louise vs. RBBB
B 70 F 7 Yolande Coal & Coke Corp. vs. RBBB (Billing Beef) (See Also Sherrod Case)
B 70 F 8 Yolande Garage vs. RBBB
B 70 F 9 Yong – Bros. & Sisters Acrobats
B 70 F 10 Yonkers Outdoor Adv. Co.
B 70 F 11 Zacchini, Edmondo
B 70 F 12 Zaki, Ali vs. AGB
B 70 F 13 Zeigler, George vs. AGB
B 70 F 14 Zesut, Michael A. vs. RBBB
B 70 F 15 Zoorama
Contents List
Box Folder
B 38 F 1 Abbott, John vs RBBB
B 38 F 2-3 Acme Circus Operating Co dba Clyde Beatty Cole Bros. Circus et al vs RBBB
B 38 F 4 Advance Dept. Advertising – Press
B 38 F 5 Agee, Cecil C. vs RBBB
B 38 F 6 Air Conditioning Big Top and Otherwise
B 38 F 7 Albert, Miss Edith vs RBBB
B 38 F 8 Alderman, Taitors Inc vs McCormick Steele
B 38 F 9 Alien Bond Lists, Lists of Aliens in USA Under Contract to RBBB
B 38 F 10 Allied Owners Corp. and American Circus Joint Venture, 1939-1940
B 38 F 11 Alsobrooks, James vs RBBB
B 38 F 12 Alterman vs RBBB
B 38 F 13-15 American Express Co
B 38 F 16 American Society of Composers etc. vs Al Ringling Theatre
B 38 F 17 Animals RBBB Listing, Inventories, Values, Sales Purchases Deaths, incl. Horses, Wild Animals, etc.
B 38 F 18 Anthony Wayne Parking Corp John C. Tibbles Pres Ft. Wayne, IN
B 38 F 19 Artony Co, Art Concello, Antoinette Concello & Grace Killian RBBB Seat Wagon Manufacture
B 38 F 20 B & O RR Co vs AGB-SF
B 38 F 21 Baldwin Park Property Baldwin Park Calif in Name of A1.G.Barnes Amusement Co 1938
B 38 F 22 Barnum & Bailey Circus 1894 documents (Purchase by James A. Bailey of the interests of
P. T. Barnum’s estate)
B 38 F 23 Barnum & Bailey LTD. 1899-1907 Prospectus and Purchase—1907 sale to Ringling Bros., 1899 Prospectus of the Corp.
B 38 F 24 Bassano, Anthony vs RBBB
B 38 F 25 Beaton, Fanny & Malcom vs RBBB
B 38 F 26 Beideman, Warren Jr. vs RBBB
B 38 F 27 Benigsohn, Ella vs RBBB
B 38 F 28 Benton, Robert vs RBBB
B 38 F 29 Bibliography – Circus Library of Congress
B 38 F 30 Bidwell, Lester vs RBBB
B 38 F 31 Big Top RBBB
B 38 F 32 Billboard (Magazine), Billboard Publishing Co.
B 38 F 33 Boes, Helen & George vs RBBB&B
B 38 F 34 Bonds Surety Bonds
B 38 F 35 Booking Agents – Misc.
B 39 F 1 Braden, Frank RBBB Press Agent
B 39 F 2 Bray, George vs RBBB
B 39 F 3 Brelos, Henry E. vs RBBB
B 39 F 4 Broadcast, Music Inc (BMI)
B 39 F 5 Bronfman Fuel Co vs RBBB
B 39 F 6 Brown Bern, Brown Construction Co
B 39 F 7 Brown Country Warehouse vs RBBB
B 39 F 8 Brown, Dan vs. RBBB
B 39 F 9 Brown, Lester G. and Edna Marie vs RBBB
B 39 F 10 Brown, Rudolph Lee vs RBBB
B 39 F 11 Broyles, Herman et al vs RBBB
B 39 F 12 Buck, Frank Bring Em Back Alive Feature Performer 1938
B 39 F 13 Bufmatovisch, Stanley J. vs RBBB
B 39 F 14 Burnell, W. Earl Photographer Sarasota, FL
B 39 F 15 Burns Glenville vs RBBB
B 39 F 16 Buttz, Charles W. vs AGB
B 39 F 17 Cameron, Rosslyn Lee vs RBBB
B 39 F 18 Campbell, Jack vs RBBB, HW, SF, JR, & Amer Circus
B 39 F 19 Capitol Records
B 39 F 20 Cardwell, Eddie vs RBBB
B 39 F 21 Casey, John C. & Otis, Fred vs RBBB and AGBSF
B 39 F 22 Cetlin & Wilson Shows
B 39 F 23 Chain-of-Command (organization) RBBB -1954
B 39 F 24 Charles, Bruce vs Sells-Floto
B 39 F 25 Chicago, IL, City of Chicago and Chicago Park District
B 39 F 26 Ciaffone, Filomena vs RBBB
B 39 F 27 Circus Enterprises (firm of AMC and Bill Perry created to dispose of surplus RBBB equipment after 1956), 1960-1961
B 39 F 28 Cisterning, Laura vs RBBB
B 39 F 29 Coastal Trading Corporation RBBB Concessionaires
B 39 F 30 Conklin, Raymond D. vs RBBB
B 39 F 31 Connelly, Barbara L. vs RBBB
B 39 F 32 Continental Circus Inc. (New York Worlds Fair) 1964-1965
B 39 F 33 Cooper, Jack vs RBBB
B 39 F 34 Copeland, Sylvia et al vs AGB
B 39 F 35 Copyrights Cert. of Copyright Regist
B 39 F 36 Corbitt, Jesse vs RBBB
B 39 F 37 Eddie Cardwell vs. RBBB
B 39 F 38 Cosentino, Louis vs Wolfe, Gertrude
B 39 F 39 Court, Alfred Wild Animal Trainer
B 40 F 1 Creditors, RBBB 1956
B 40 F 2 Cross, Graham vs State of New Jersey
B 40 F 3 Cummins Diesel #1 of 2 File Folders
B 40 F 4 Cummins Diesel #2 of 2 File Folders
B 40 F 5 Cyr, Napoleon vs RBBB
B 40 F 6 D’Angelo et al vs RBBB
B 40 F 7 Darling, Virginia W. (Yonkers Nat’l Bank Exec) vs RBBB
B 40 F 8 Daul, Jos. L. vs RBBB et al
B 40 F 9 Dave Gordon Steel Inc. vs RBBB
B 40 F 10 Debts ---RBBB, Loans, Notes, Debts, Fixed Liabilities etc.
B 40 F 11 Decca Records
B 40 F 12 Dempsey, James & Enrica, Venice, FL Lease Bldg to RBBB
B 40 F 13 District of Columbia vs RBBB
B 40 F 14 Dobbins & Ingersol vs AGB
B 40 F 15 Dombrowski, Chester et al vs RBBB
B 40 F 16 Dorsey, Henry vs RBBB
B 40 F 17 Dowd, Loretta vs RBBB & MSQG
B 40 F 18 Duffy, Edward J. vs RBBB
B 40 F 19 Dunn, Jack vs RBBB
B 40 F 20 Earl, John vs RBBB
B 40 F 21 Egger, Glenn vs RBBB
B 40 F 22 Ellis Machinery & Supply Co. vs RBBB
B 40 F 23 Equipment – Misc. & Stored, Misc. Records of Misc. Eqpt. Stored & On hand
B 40 F 24 Equipment- Sold & Rented (prior to 1956)
B 40 F 25 Fanchon & Marco Inc. vs Hagenback-Wallace Shows Co. 1 of 3
B 40 F 26 Fanchon & Marco Inc. vs Hagenback-Wallace Shows Co 2 of 3
B 40 F 27 Fanchon & Marco Inc. vs Hagenback-Wallace Shows Co 3 of 3
B 40 F 28 Fellows, Signe (Mrs. Dexter) vs RBBB
B 40 F 29 Fenske, Victor vs Flenord, John and AGBSF
B 40 F 30 File, John vs RBBB
B 40 F 31 Finklestein, Ruben et al, dba Twin City Amusement Trust, vs RBBB, Re: 1926 Movie
“Bigger Than Barnum”
B 40 F 32 Flanagan, Brian P. vs RBBB
B 40 F 33 Fletcher, Beth vs HW
B 40 F 34 Florida – State of Industrial Commission
B 41 F 1 Fohs, Alfred vs RBBB
B 41 F 2 Food Poisoning WC Cases – Washington D.C. 1943
B 41 F 3-5 Foote, Cone & Belding Advertising Agency
B 41 F 6 Fowler, Neason vs RBBB
B 41 F 7 Friedman, John E. vs RBBB & Yom Kam
B 41 F 8 Foy Large Co. – Laundry Contract including RR Laundry Car
B 41 F 9 Frazier, Jack vs AGB
B 41 F 10 Frazier, Willma B. vs RBBB
B 41 F 11 Fredrickson, Alfred vs RBBB et al
B 41 F 12 Freeman, Sibyl vs RBBB
B 41 F 13 Friedman, David and Morris Phillip vs RBBB
B 41 F 14 Gaddis, R.D. vs RBBB
B 41 F 15 Garfield, Virgil vs RBBB
B 41 F 16 Garland, Dr. W.R. vs RBBB&B
B 41 F 17 Garrett, Arthur vs RBBB
B 41 F 18 Giddens, Ray and Shewbert, Lucille vs RBBB, Auto/elephant accident at W. Palm Beach, Fla., 1955
B 41 F 19 Gill, Shelley vs RBBB
B 41 F 20 Gleco, George vs RBBB
B 41 F 21 Graham, John C., Attorney.
B 41 F 22 Gray, Mildred & Wallace vs RBBB
B 41 F 23 “Greatest Show on Earth” Movie
B 41 F 24 Gregory, Stanley vs RBBB
B 41 F 25 Guide Book Corp.
B 41 F 26 Habigier, Joseph and Shiembob, Henry vs RBBB
B 41 F 27 Hacker, Max vs RBBB
B 41 F 28 Hamid Million Dollar Pier Corp.
B 42 F 1 Hanlon, George Builder of Props etc.
B 42 F 2 Harold, George vs RBBB
B 42 F 3 Hartford (Conn.) Sidewalk Claims, Herman Gross & Sons, Pleasant Valley Realty Co., J.M. Cohn Coat Co. vs RBBB
B 42 F 4 Hebeler’s Shop, Sarasota, FL, Edward S. Hebeler, Eddie Bulletti
B 42 F 5 Helsol Realty Co. vs RBBB
B 42 F 6 Hennessey, George Bernard (Saskatchewan Auto Accident) vs RBBB
B 42 F 7 Herbert, R. Beverley vs RBBB
B 42 F 8 Herman, Coy vs RBBB
B 42 F 9 Hibbard, Clarence M. vs RBBB
B 42 F 10 Hobson, William RBBB Supt. Canvas Left Sarasota
B 42 F 11 Hoffmaster, Frances vs RBBB
B 42 F 12 Hogeman, Henry et al vs RBBB
B 42 F 13 Hankola, Anrie vs RBBB
B 42 F 14 Horn, Joe B. vs RBBB
B 42 F 15 Horton, Mrs. Rena vs RBBB
B 42 F 16 Houson, Anderson vs RBBB
B 42 F 17 “Howdy Doody” TV Feature, Robert B. Smith
B 42 F 18 Howell, Henry vs RBBB
B 42 F 19 Huiat, Eugene vs RBBB
B 42 F 20 Corporate Papers, RBBB Shows—1932 cert. of incorporation and Bill of Sale from RB CO.—Partnership and Bylaws
B 42 F 21 Inside Ticket Sales
B 42 F 22 Inventories, complete all animals, equipment, RBBB (1 of 2)
B 42 F 23 Inventories, complete all animals, equipment, RBBB (2 of 2)
B 42 F 24 Interstate, Commerce Commission
B 42 F 25 Isackson, Gunnard vs AGB
B 42 F 26 Janouch, Josie vs RBBB
B 42 F 27 Jernigan, Robert Dewey vs RBBB
B 42 F 28 Johnston, James E. vs AGB
B 42 F 29 Jones, Robert et al vs RBBB
B 42 F 30 Joseph Mayer Publisher Inc. (Publisher, RBBB Programs)
B 42 F 31 Josephthal, Paul A. et al vs RBBB, Madison Square Garden
B 42 F 32 Kandel, Benjamin vs RBBB
B 42 F 33 Katz, Jack L. vs RBBB
B 42 F 34 Kefferly, Frank vs RBBB
B 42 F 35 Kelley, John vs HW
B 42 F 36 Kelly, E.J. vs AGB
B 42 F 37 King Ranch
B 42 F 38 Kinsey, Clarence et al vs RBBB
B 42 F 39 Kirkman, O’Neal Inc vs RBBB
B 42 F 40 Klug, Ray & Estelle et al vs RBBB
B 42 F 41 Kohler, Gertrude vs RBBB
B 42 F 42 Koslow, Andrew vs John Ringling et al
B 42 F 43 Kossich vs RBBB and M Sq Garden
B 42 F 44 Kovace, Eugene vs RBBB
B 42 F 45 Kuechenmeister, Charles vs RBBB
B 42 F 46 Lamoine, Paul vs RBBB
B 42 F 47 Lawshe, Emily vs RBBB and Madison Square Garden
B 42 F 48 Layout Out of Lot RBBB
B 42 F 49 Lazar, Pincus et al vs RBBB
B 42 F 50 Leaver vs RBBB
B 43 F 1 Lederman, Marie vs RBBB
B 43 F 2 Legal Files – Misc. -Status Reports of Many Mixed Legal Cases
B 43 F 3 Legislative Matters – Misc. – Pertaining to Circuses
B 43 F 4 LeMaire, Charles RBBB Designer
B 43 F 5 Lester, Allen J. RBBB Agent
B 43 F 6 Lester, Thelma et al vs Circus City Zool. Gardens, H.W. S-F, Jr. ACB, Sparks Amer C. Co.
B 43 F 7 Levitt, Herman vs RBBB
B 43 F 8 Lindsay, Frank vs RBBB
B 43 F 9 Los Angeles, City of vs RBBB
B 43 F 10 Lowery, Verna H. and Lowery, James Powell vs RBBB
B 43 F 11 Macedo vs AGB
B 43 F 12 Malka, Vencel vs RBBB
B 43 F 13 Malone, Ludowiska vs RBBB, AGB, HW et al
B 43 F 14 Maloney, Francis vs RBBB
B 43 F 15 Manning, Jas. vs AGB
B 43 F 16 Marcellus Troupe vs RBBB
B 43 F 17 Markey, Alexander – Shooting movie shots of RBBB “Pearls & Sawdust” Movie
B 43 F 18 Martins, Beatrice A. vs RBBB
B 43 F 19 May, Mildred vs RBBB and C.W. Allen
B 43 F 20 May, Virgil vs RBBB
B 43 F 21 Mazza, Angelina vs RBBB and M Sq Gardens
B 43 F 22 McDonnell, Mrs. Annabelle vs RBBB
B 43 F 23 McGill, Douglass vs RBBB
B 43 F 24 McInnis, Virginia vs RBBB
B 43 F 25 McWhorter vs RBBB
B 43 F 26 Menagerie Tent RBBB, 1955
B 43 F 27 Michael, J.E. vs RBBB
B 43 F 28 Miller Bros. Concessions RBBB Concessionaires
B 43 F 29 Miller Bros. 101 Ranch Wild West – 1928 Bill of Sale Untransacted 1928 Inventory, Equipment & Animals Misc Items
B 43 F 30 Miller, Zack T. Miller Bros. 101 Ranch WW & Westn Show Co. vs RBBB, SF, AGB, HW et al.
B 43 F 31 Mills, Toby vs Hagenbeck Wallace Circus
B 43 F 32 Milor, Frank J. vs Al G. Barnes Circus
B 43 F 33 Minnesota State Agriculture Assn. Hearing re. RBBB dates at Fair time, 1933
B 43 F 34 Minutes, Board of Directors RBBB Shows, 1937-1959 and other relevant papers
B 43 F 35 Mitoked Inc. vs RBBB
B 44 F 1-2 Monroe Greenthal Co
B 44 F 3 Montague, Winston vs Hagenbeck Wallace Circus
B 44 F 4 Motor Vehicles (&Trailers) RBBB 1957-1958
B 44 F 5 Motor Vehicles (&Trailers) RBBB Inventories, Titles, Licenses, Construction, Paint, Items Operation Costs etc-etc
B 44 F 6 Motor Vehicles (More)
B 44 F 7 Moye, Virginia et al vs RBBB
B 44 F 8 Muntean, Mary vs RBBB
B 44 F 9 Murphee, Molly et al vs RBBB
B 44 F 10 Music for RBBB
B 44 F 11 Naitta, Alla vs RBBB
B 44 F 12 New Orleans, LA
B 44 F 13 New England Fire Ins. Co. vs RBBB
B 44 F 14 Nichols, Walter vs Great Northern RR vs RBBB
B 44 F 15 Niepold, Ruth vs RBBB
B 44 F 16 New York World’s Fair 1939
B 44 F 17 Nobbe, Gertrude vs RBBB
B 44 F 18 O’Connell, Florence et al vs RBBB & M Sq G
B 44 F 19 Oklahoma, State of vs RBBB
B 44 F 20-23 Olvera, America or Pollinger, America Olvera vs AGB & RBBB et al.
B 45 F 1-3 Olvera, America or Pollinger, America Olvera vs AGB & RBBB et al.
B 45 F 4 O’Neil, Agnes vs H-W
B 45 F 5 O’Rourke, Terrence vs RBBB
B 45 F 6 Owens, Buck (Cowboy) vs H-W
B 45 F 7 Padilla, Frank vs RBBB
B 45 F 8-14 Palmer, Oscar vs RBBB
B 45 F 15 Paramount Pictures Inc vs RBBB 1956 Lawsuit or Threatened Lawsuit
B 45 F 16 Pass List Annual RBBB
B 45 F 17 Patterson, William vs RBBB
B 45 F 18 Penneau, Marian vs RBBB
B 45 F 19 Pennsylvania, State of
B 46 F 1 Peterman, William vs RBBB
B 46 F 2 Pettinichi vs RBBB and Madison Square Garden
B 46 F 3 Philadelphia, PA
B 46 F 4 Phillips, Frank L. vs The People
B 46 F 5 Pierce, Joseph vs RBBB
B 46 F 6 Pigeon, Donald vs RBBB
B 46 F 7 Pollinger, Karl vs RBBB
B 46 F 8 Pomerantz, Erwin vs RBBB
B 46 F 9-10 Pontico, Ruth vs RBBB, Pontico, Joe vs RBBB 1934 Typhoid Fever Case
B 46 F 11 Pownell, Frank vs H-W
B 46 F 12 Pressley, Fred vs H-W
B 46 F 13 Production Numbers Specs RBBB Mixc
B 46 F 14 Program Listing RBBB
B 46 F 15 Quigley, Helen RBBB
B 46 F 16 Railroad Associations Eastern Western Southern etc.
B 46 F 17 Railroad Contracts
B 46 F 18 Rand, Rosa vs RBBB
B 46 F 19 Reddy, John F. (Atty) et al vs RBBB
B 46 F 20 Reno, George vs RBBB
B 46 F 21 Revell, Nellie vs RBBB Spangles et al Re Use of Title “Spangles”
B 46 F 22 Richards, Helen Ruth vs AGB
B 46 F 23 Richey, Walter vs RBBB
B 46 F 24 Ringling, Hester et al vs John Ringling North et al
B 46 F 25 Rivers, Austin vs RBBB
B 46 F 26 Roberts, B.C. vs RBBB
B 46 F 27 Robertson, George vs RBBB
B 46 F 28 Rockenbaugh, Garland vs RBBB
B 46 F 29 Rodda E. D. vs AGB et al
B 46 F 30 Roesner, Loyal vs RBBB
B 46 F 31 Robinson, John G. IV vs RBBB
B 46 F 32 Romagnoli et al vs AGBSF
B 46 F 33 Rouanzoin, Mrs Joan vs RBBB
B 46 F 34 Roudabush, Belle Lee vs RBBB (Washington D.C. 1936 Blowdown)
B 47 F 1 Route, 1956 RBBB Including Cancelled Route thru Chicago 8-26
B 47 F 2 Rubin, Miss Beatrice (Atty)
B 47 F 3 Ruck, Bessie vs RBBB
B 47 F 4 Ryan, James et al vs AGB
B 47 F 5 Salaman, Ashor vs RBBB
B 47 F 6 Sarasota, City of
B 47 F 7 Scallon, A.P. vs RBBB et al
B 47 F 8 Schaefer, Brewing Co. vs Edward F. Kelly
B 47 F 9 Schlogel, George vs RBBB
B 47 F 10 Schnuer, Harold vs Ralph Gram
B 47 F 11 Schock Family vs RBBB
B 47 F 12 Schock, Jacqualine et al vs RBBB
B 47 F 13 Schumacker, Paul vs RBBB
B 47 F 14 Schwartz Family et al vs RBBB
B 47 F 15 Sears, John H. vs RBBB
B 47 F 16 Seligowski, Helen vs RBBB
B 47 F 17 Sells-Floto Denver WQ Property Case 1942
B 47 F 18 Selock, Frank vs RBBB
B 47 F 19 Seven Gables Realty Corp vs RBBB
B 47 F 20 Shell Oil Co
B 47 F 21 Sheppard, George H. vs RBBB
B 47 F 22-23 Sheppard, George H. vs RBBB Combined Shows Inc.
B 47 F 24 “Sheriff’s Sale” Cut-rate Reserved Seat Ticket Sales After Show Starts
B 47 F 25 Shiembob, Henry R. vs RBBB
B 47 F 26 Sherrod, Farrar F. vs RBBB
B 47 F 27 Side Show Tent RBBB
B 47 F 28 Slicho, Mr & Mrs V.J. vs RBBB
B 47 F 29 Smith, Gertrude vs RBBB and Miller
B 47 F 30 Smith, Jack vs AGB
B 47 F 31 Smith (Schmidt?), William vs RBBB or H.W.
B 47 F 32 Social Security Matters RBBB
B 47 F 33 Societe Viticole de Chateau Lascombes….France
B 47 F 34 Sola Vaggione Giovani vs RBBB
B 47 F 35 Son, Mary E. vs RBBB
B 47 F 36 Southern Pacific RR vs H-W Circus (1938)
B 47 F 37 Spector, Lena & Isadore vs H-W
B 47 F 38 Spencer, Helen vs RBBB
B 47 F 39 Sponsorship of RBBB Sponsor Contracts Outright Sale of Show Date
B 47 F 40 Stamm, Fred vs AGB
B 47 F 41 Stark, Kalman vs HW4PSB
B 47 F 42 Stephens, Louis vs RBBB
B 47 F 43 Stephenson, Geneva vs RBBB
B 47 F 44 Stocks
B 47 F 45-46 Stinson, Eddie and Stinson, Tunis and Moslem Temple Shrine vs RBBB
B 47 F 47 Stock Transactions 1940-1956
B 48 F 1 Story, Earl vs RBBB
B 48 F 2 Strausberg, Jack & Esther vs RBBB
B 48 F 3 Sunday, Vincent vs RBBB
B 48 F 4 Sweet, Charles A. vs John Ringling et al
B 48 F 5 Synopsis Reports (Daily Agent’s Reports) RBBB -1934
B 48 F 6 Synopsis Reports (Daily Agent’s Reports) RBBB – 1952
B 48 F 7 Synopsis Reports (Daily Agent’s Reports) RBBB – 1953
B 48 F 8 Synopsis Reports (Daily Agent’s Reports) RBBB – 1955
B 48 F 9 Synopsis Reports (Daily Agent’s Reports) RBBB – 1956
B 48 F 10-11 Tents Manufactured for US Army 1942 by RBBB. See also Winter Quarters Sarasota (Sail Loft), and also Canvas Dept
OS 3 Tent Plans RBBB, 1952-1955
B 48 F 12 Ten Eyck, George L. vs RBBB
B 48 F 13 Thompson, Eva vs RBBB
B 48 F 14 Thompson, Mr. G.C. vs RBBB
B 48 F 15 Thomasello, Anna vs H-W
B 48 F 16 Torrence, Victoria vs RBBB
B 48 F 17 Toto, Gorilla
B 48 F 18 Trceinsky, Joseph et al vs RBBB
B 48 F 19 Train RBBB
B 48 F 20 Train Loading Orders Consists & Misc Details
B 48 F 21 Trask, Frank Merrill RBBB
B 48 F 22 Trefflich’s Bird & Animal Co.
B 48 F 23 Turner, Horace vs RBBB
B 48 F 24 Typhoid Fever 1934 RBBB Involvement
B 48 F 25 United States Circuit Court of Appeals No. 10877 Volume 1 pages 1-384 America Olvera (also known as Amera) Pollinger Volume 2 pages 385-756
B 48 F 26 United States Circuit Court of Appeals No. 9594 2 copies America Olivera Pollinger vs RBBB
B 48 F 27 Urbach Bros vs RBBB
B 48 F 28 Vahamian, Elsie et al vs RBBB
B 48 F 28 VanAcker, Gertrude vs RBBB
B 48 F 30 Varra, Pasquale vs RBBB
B 48 F 31 Vasconcellos, Roberto de vs RBBB
B 48 F 32 Vertes, Marcel, Designer (Floats, Props etc)
B 48 F 33 Vines, Roy E. et al vs. RBBB
B 48 F 34 Wages – (Unclaimed)
B 48 F 35 Walder, Arnold et al vs RBBB
B 48 F 36 Walker, Rephah vs RBBB
B 49 F 1 Walsh, Maurich vs RBBB
B 49 F 2 Washington D.C. Storm 1936 Misc Claims & Records RBBB
B 49 F 3 Watchinsky, Yella vs RBBB
B 49 F 4 Watkins, Irah J. vs RBBB
B 49 F 5 Weinstock, Margaret vs RBBB
B 49 F 6-7 Weisberg, Julia vs HRN & JRN
B 49 F 8 Welch, Lawrence vs RBBB & AGB
B 49 F 9 Weldy Max Wardrobe Dept, RBBB
B 49 F 10 Welk, Ferdinand, C.E. vs RBBB
B 49 F 11 Whelan, Mrs. Fenton vs RBBB
B 49 F 12 White Sulpher Springs & Yellowstone Park RR Co, John Ringling, President
B 49 F 13 Wickstrom, Claus vs RBBB 1941 (1 Booklet) No 41597
B 49 F 14 Wickstrom, Claus (2 Booklets) 1942 No 26755
B 49 F 15 Wilkinson, B.R. vs RBBB
B 49 F 16 Williams, John Roy vs H-W
B 49 F 17 Williams, Mortimer P. vs. RBBB 1936 Washington D.C. Blowdown
B 49 F 18 Wilson, Edith vs. AGB
B 49 F 19 Windisch, Mrs. Edward vs. RBBB
B 49 F 20 Winter Quarters – Baraboo Deeds Abstract of Title Sale (1926) of Car Shops & Other Pertinent Papers
B 49 F 21 Winter Quarters – Sarasota 1959 Investigation Into Causes & Remedies of Disappearance of RBBB Properties from Sarasota
B 49 F 22 Winter Quarters – Sarasota Corresp – Misc (1938)
B 49 F 23 Winter Quarters – Sarasota – Deed to said property, Description of Area.
B 49 F 24 Winter Quarters – Sarasota – Sail Loft
B 49 F 25-26 Winter Quarters – Sarasota (Store Room)
B 49 F 27 Winter Quarters – Sarasota Termination of Quarters and Disposal of Property & Eqpt
B 50 F 1 Winter Quarters Sarasota Termination of Quarters and Disposal of Property and Eqpt
B 50 F 2 Winter Quarters – Sarasota Wagon Shop
B 50 F 3 Wisconsin Mutual Liability Co vs. H-W
B 50 F 4 Wise, Fred J. vs. RBBB
B 50 F 5 Workmen’s Compensation RBBB – Misc
B 50 F 6 Wright, James vs. RBBB
B 50 F 7 Wright, William W. vs. RBBB
B 50 F 8 Wurtzel, Anna vs. RBBB
B 50 F 9 Yom Kam Troupe
B 50 F 10 Yost, Irvin vs. RBBB
B 51 Items Sold, Traded, Depreciated, and Died 1952-1953 (cards)
B 52 Items Sold, Traded, Depreciated, and Died ca. 1952-1955 (cards)
B 53 Items Sold, Traded, Depreciated, and Died ca. 1952-1955 (cards)
B 54 F 1 AALFS, Niffert vs. RBBB
B 54 F 2 Abbott Coin Counter Co. Inc.
B 54 F 3 Accounting Dept. RBBB
B 54 F 4 Ackerl, Franz & Mrs. (Horse Trainer)
B 54 F 5 Ackermann, Francois (Chimp Trainer) (DeJongh’s Chimps)
B 54 F 6 Acts – Misc.
B 54 F 7 Adair, Pamella vs. RBBB
B 54 F 8 Adams, Carl
B 54 F 9 Adanos Troupe Felix and Wilhelmina Hanus
B 54 F 10 Advance Dept. Advance Elephant Truck 1956
B 54 F 11 Advance Dept. Advertising – Misc. & Mixed
B 54 F 12 Advance Dept. Advertising – Outdoor (Billing)
B 54 F 13 Advance Dept. Advertising – Press
B 54 F 14 Advance Dept. Advertising – Radio & TV [1 of 2]
B 54 F 15 Advance Dept. Advertising – Radio & TV [2 of 2]
B 54 F 16 Advance Dept. Tickets Sales – Advance Tickets RBBB
B 54 F 17 Advertising Agencies – Misc.
B 54 F 18 Ahearn, Joseph A. vs. RBBB
B 54 F 19 Ahlberg, Karl & Erna (Die Naukos)
B 54 F 20 Airkem Corp. W.H. Wheeler Inc.
B 54 F 21 Al G. Kelly & Miller Bros. Circus Obert Miller & Dores Miller
B 54 F 22 Al Ringling Theatre Baraboo, WI
B 54 F 23 Alabama, State of
B 54 F 24 Albany, NY
B 54 F 25 Albert Woodley Co. Adv. Agency 1 of 4 File Folders
B 54 F 26 Albert Woodley Co. Adv. Agency 2 of 4 File Folders
B 54 F 27 Albert Woodley Co. Adv. Agency 3 of 4 File Folders
B 54 F 28 Albert Woodley Co. Adv. Agency 4 of 4 File Folders
B 54 F 29 Alien Bond Procedures – Alien Bond Matters
B 54 F 30 Allaire, Lucien vs. RBBB
B 54 F 31 Allvine, Glendon RBBB Press Agent
B 54 F 32 Althers, Barbara vs. RBBB
B 54 F 33 American Airlines Inc.
B 54 F 34 American Broadcasting et al.
B 54 F 35 American Quarter Horse Assn.
B 54 F 36 ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)
B 54 F 37 Allen, Ralph
B 54 F 38 Anderson, John Murray, RBBB “Spec” Stage Mgr. Asst. Dance Director
B 54 F 39 Anderson, Kay Farrell
B 54 F 40 Andes, Andy vs RBBB
B 54 F 41 Andrews, James Benny
B 54 F 42 Animal Dealers
B 54 F 43 Animal Exchange (Amer. Assn. of Zool. Parks)
B 54 F 44 Antes, William RBBB Agent
B 54 F 45 Antico, Isabelle & Leonard vs. RBBB
B 54 F 46 Aponik, Mary vs. RBBB
B 54 F 47 Arata, Margit vs. RBBB
B 54 F 48 Argo Inc. vs. RBBB
B 54 F 49 Arizona, State of
B 54 F 50 Armory (Kingsbridge) (NY) DeVaney, John A.
B 54 F 51 Armour & Co.
B 54 F 52 Arnosi, Julian E. 1959
B 54 F 53 Arthritis & Rheumatism Foundation
B 54 F 54 Arturos-Acrobats Arthur Duchek & Katharina and Franzisca Duchek
B 54 F 55 Association Press
B 54 F 56 Atlanta, GA
B 54 F 57 Atlantic Adv. & MFG. Co.
B 54 F 58 Attilana Troupe
B 54 F 59 Atwell, Marion vs. RBBB
B 54 F 60 Atwood, Emily M. vs. RBBB
B 54 F 61 Austgen, James
B 54 F 62 Austin, Leonard vs. RBBB
B 54 F 63 Austin, TX
B 54 F 64 Australia
B 54 F 65 Auto Accidents RBBB 1951
B 54 F 66 Auto Accidents RBBB 1952
B 54 F 67 Auto Accidents RBBB 1953
B 54 F 68 Auto Accidents RBBB 1955
B 54 F 69 Auto Accidents RBBB 1956
B 54 F 70 Automobiles (RBBB)
B55 F 1 Avanti Troupe Gustav, Avanti, Lucio Janz, Herta Becker, Marga Kirehhart
B 55 F 2 Avis Rent-A-Car System
B 55 F 3 Backstein, Bert, Decatur, IL Re, Permission to use RBBB title on Miniature Circus
B 55 F 4 Bailey, Anna M. vs. RBBB
B 55 F 5 Bailey, George vs. RBBB
B 55 F 6 Baldwin, Roscoe vs. RBBB
B 55 F 7 Bale, Edwin T. (Trevor)
B 55 F 8 Balloon Tent
B 55 F 9 Baltimore, MD
B 55 F 10 Banahan, Dick, RBBB Public Relations &Sales Promotion Rep.
B 55 F 11 Band RBBB
B 55 F 12 Bank, Mrs. Mary vs. RBBB
B 55 F 13 Barbette, Vander Production Designer & Producer
B 55 F 14 Barling Estate
B 55 F 15 Barnes Bros. Circus
B 55 F 16 Barstow, Richard & Edith
B 55 F 17 Barton & Bailey Circus
B 55 F 18 Bartoni, Fritzi vs. RBBB
B 55 F 19 Bary, Howard Y.
B 55 F 20 Baseball (Professional)
B 55 F 21 Bauer, Elizabeth vs. RBBB
B 55 F 22 Baumgartner, Dorst
B 55 F 23 Beach, Walrath J. RBBB Agent
B 55 F 24 Becker, Maximiliane Showgirl
B 55 F 25 Beckwith, Alfred H. Musician
B 55 F 26 Beecher, Thomas
B 55 F 27 Belavic, George
B 55 F 28 Bellbrook, Corp. vs. RBBB
B 55 F 29 Bell, George vs. RBBB
B 55 F 30 Bell, Ralph R. vs. RBBB
B 55 F 31 Berlin, Irving
B 55 F 32 Berosini, Josephine
B 55 F 33 Bertelsen, Dr. William Neponset, Illinois “Air-O-Mobile”
B 55 F 34 Bertram Mills Circus
B 55 F 35 Betner, Edward and Betner, Louise vs. RBBB
B 55 F 36 Billy Smart’s Circus (England)
B 55 F 37 Bisbini, Antoinette Performer
B 55 F 38 Blanchfield, Dave “Deacon”
B 55 F 39 Blue Cross (Assos. Hospital Services)
B 55 F 40 Blumberg, Marian vs. RBB&H and M Sq. G.
B 55 F 41 Boggs, William
B 55 F 42 Bombe, John et al vs. RBBB
B 55 F 43 Bondy, Richard C.
B 55 F 44 Booking Agents
B 55 F 45 Borch, Karl Heinz (Performer)
B 55 F 46 Bosanac, Milan (Performer)
B 55 F 47 Boston, Mass
B 55 F 48 Boswell Bros. Circus
B 55 F 49-51 Boudinot, F.A. “Babe” General Agent-RBBB
B 55 F 52 Bowen, Evelyn Vs. RBBB
B 55 F 53 Braathen, Sverre O., Attorney, Madison, WI
B 55 F 54 Bradna, Fred
B 55 F 55 Bradshaw, Richard vs. RBBB
B 55 F 56 Brassil, John J. RBBB and AGBSF Bill Car Mgr
B 55 F 57 Braun, Anna Amy vs. RBBB
B 55 F 58 Brooks Costume Co. – Brooks Uniform Co.
B 55 F 59 Brouillette, Sandra vs. RBBB
B 55 F 60 Brown Bern,-Brown Construction Co.-Contractor for Bldg-Venice, FL Winter Quarters (Also Sub Contractors)
B 55 F 61 Brown, Oscar J. vs. RBBB
B 55 F 62 Brown, Robert
B 55 F 63 Brumfield, Roy and Brumfield, Henry vs. RBBB
B 55 F 64 Buchanon, Fred
B 55 F 65 Buda, Mrs. Lee vs. RBBB
B 55 F 66 Buffalo Forge Co.
B 55 F 67 Bully Company (Acrobats) Bernard Gartmann-Heinz Bieda-Marianne Thomas
B 55 F 68 Bumpus, Donald – RBBB Employee
B 55 F 69 Bundy, Rudy [1958-1959]
B 55 F 70 Burak, Anne vs. RBBB
B 55 F 71 Burke, Michael – RBBB – General Mgr. 1 of 2 Files
B 55 F 72 Burke, Michael – RBBB - General Mgr. 2 of 2 Files
B 55 F 73 Burket, John
B 55 F 74 Burkhard, Lucille vs. RBBB
B 55 F 75 Burkhardt, Dorothy vs. RBBB
B 56 F 1-4 Burkhart, Noyelles D.
B 56 F 5 Burman, Harry S. – Riley, George – Midget Clowns
B 56 F 6 Burnham, Evan Deceased vs. RBBB
B 56 F 7 Burton, Alfred Acrobatic Act
B 56 F 8 Busses – RBBB Personnel Busses
B 56 F 9 Butler, Al
B 56 F 10 Butler, Roland RBBB Press
B 56 F 11 Byrne, Mary E.
B 56 F 12 Caesar, Irv – Musical Composer – RBBB
B 56 F 13 Caledonia – Private RR Car
B 56 F 14 California, State of
B 56 F 15 Callahan, Beatrice vs. RBBB
B 56 F 16 Calvagna, Cal vs. RBBB
B 56 F 17 Camel Cigarettes
B 56 F 18 Cameron, Susana (Narran Correll) Performer
B 56 F 19 Canada
B 56 F 20 Canadian National Exhibition
B 56 F 21 Canestrelli, Giuseppe and Adelaide (Delia) Felicieli-Accrobats. Also Anna & other Felicielis
B 56 F 22 Canestrellis – Olga, Aurelia, Pietro, Oresto
B 56 F 23 Canfield, John T. vs. RBBB
B 56 F 24 Canovas, The Two – Roger Andre – Enrico Arnoldo
B 56 F 25 Canton, OH
B 56 F 26 Cantrell et al vs. RBBB
B 56 F 27 Canvas Dept.
B 56 F 28 Carmenas Troupe – Adolph Kleber – Carmen Kleber
B 56 F 29 Carmichael, Margaret Ann Performer
B 56 F 30 Carrier Corporation – Air Conditioners
B 56 F 31 Carroll, Norman
B 56 F 32 Carroll, Phillip J. – Animal Agent – Dealer
B 56 F 33 Case, Mary Fallon vs. RBBB
B 56 F 34 Castro, Emma Poblador – Performer
B 56 F 35 Causkey, Edward Death
B 56 F 36 Central Ptg. & ILL. Litho Co. Chicago, IL
B 56 F 37 Cervone, Izzy
B 56 F 38 Chamber of Commerce Assn. of Commerce
B 56 F 39 Chandler, Richard vs. RBBB
B 56 F 40 Chariott, Jean vs. RBBB
B 56 F 41 Charlottesville, VA
B 56 F 42 Chauffeurs - Chauffeurs’ Licenses etc.
B 56 F 43 Chevrolet Motor Division – General Motors Corp.
B 56 F 44 Cheyenne, WY
B 56 F 45 Chicago International Trade Fair
B 56 F 46 Chicago Office RBBB
B 56 F 47 Chicago Show Printing Co.
B 56 F 48 Chicago Zoological Park – Chicago Zoological Society – Chicago, IL
B 56 F 49 Chiesa, Sergio – Chiesa, Angela – Chiesa, Vinicio – Performers
B 56 F 50 Childers, Morris G. vs. RBBB
B 56 F 51 Christy & Gorilla – Andre Paul Biscogno – Nadia Boudiakoff
B 56 F 52 Circus Fans Misc.
B 56 F 53-56 Circus Sandwich Shop – Venice – (Paul Levins & Bill Perry)
B 56 F 57 Circus World Museum
B 56 F 58 City Licenses – Misc. Cities
B 56 F 59 Clawson, Ralph
B 56 F 60 Cleaver-Brooks Co.
B 56 F 61 Coatoan, Thomas R. vs. RBBB
B 56 F 62 Coble, Rosie Alice vs. RBBB
B 56 F 63 Coca Cola Co.
B 56 F 64 Cochran, Faye vs. RBBB
B 56 F 65 Cochrane, Maude J. vs. RBBB
B 56 F 66 Cohen, Lea Performer
B 56 F 67 Colgate-Palmolive Co.
B 56 F 68 Collazo, Jose et al. vs. RBBB
B 56 F 69 Collin Street Bakery
B 56 F 70 Collins, Willie A. vs. RBBB
B 56 F 71 Columbia Pictures Corp.
B 56 F 72 Columbia Records
B 56 F 73 Combs & Murphine – Attys – Los Angeles, CA
B 57 F 1 Commercial Tie-ins (W/RBBB) 1948
B 57 F 2 Commercial Tie-ins (W/RBBB) 1949
B 57 F 3 Commercial Tie-ins (W/RBBB) 1950
B 57 F 4 Commercial Tie-ins (W/RBBB) 1951-1957
B 57 F 5 Commissary Dept. RBBB
B 57 F 6 Complaints
B 57 F 7 Compliments
B 57 F 8 Composers, Authors, & Publishers of Canada
B 57 F 9 Comstock, Tommy
B 57 F 10 Conant, Bill
B 57 F 11 Concession Dept. – RBBB
B 57 F 12 Condon, Mrs Joseph O. vs. RBBB – Woman Attacked by Lionness in NY Daily News Bldg –1960
B 57 F 13 Connaroe vs. RBBB
B 57 F 14 Connecticut, State of
B 57 F 15 Consolidated Tours
B 57 F 16 Contract Forms – Arena Contracts
B 57 F 17 Cooke (R.F.) Mfg. Co. vs. RBBB
B 57 F 18 Cordon Troupe – Geidt, Dietrich et al also Wimmer, Ingrid
B 57 F 19 Corey, Robert vs. RBBB
B 57 F 20-29 Correspondence, General RBBB, N.J. Schiavene, Comptroller
B 57 F 30 Correspondence Inter Office, Misc. RBBB 1960
B 57 F 31 Correspondence Inter Office, Misc. RBBB 1961
B 57 F 32 Correspondence Inter Office, Misc. RBBB 1962
B 58 F 1 Correspondence Inter Office, Misc. RBBB 1963
B 58 F 2 Cosby, Natalie M. vs. RBBB
B 58 F 3 Courtin, James E. and Link, Robert S. vs. RBBB
B 58 F 4 Cowan, James
B 58 F 5 Cracker Jack Co.
B 58 F 6 Crain, Dorothy vs. RBBB
B 58 F 7 Crane Auto Storage vs. RBBB
B 58 F 8 Craven, Mrs. Edward vs. RBBB
B 58 F 9 Cristiani Cristiani Bros. Circus, Cristiani, Pete et al
B 58 F 10 Crocker vs. Crocker
B 58 F 11 Crowther, F.J. vs. RBBB
B 58 F 12 Cruz, Joaquin Santos Performer
B 58 F 13 Cueto, Joseph J. Performer
B 58 F 14 Cupers (Los Cupers) Juggling, Pedro & Maria Garcia, Jose J. Cueto, Carmen R. Perez
B 58 F 15 Curtis, Raymond vs. RBBB
B 58 F 16 Daigle, Gaston vs. RBBB
B 58 F 17 Dailey Bros. Circus
B 58 F 18 Dallas, TX
B 58 F 18 Daly, George vs. RBBB
B 58 F 20 Daniel Leeds Miller Inc. vs. RBBB
B 58 F 21 Davi, Horace B. vs. RBBB
B 58 F 22 Davies, Harry RBBB Agent
B 58 F 23 Davis, Claude vs. RBBB
B 58 F 24 Davis, Earl Blount vs. RBBB
B 58 F 25 Davis, Edgar vs. RBBB
B 58 F 26 Davis, Lillian RBBB NY Office
B 58 F 27 Davis, Margaret vs. RBBB
B 58 F 28 Davis, Phillip M. et al vs. RBBB
B 58 F 29 Davis, Walpole
B 58 F 30 Davisson, Wm. G. Atty. Ardmore, OK John Ringling Estate Property
B 58 F 31 Day, Berry & Howard – Atty’s Hartford, CT
B 58 F 32 Dechapur & Ruta Act, Robert Emil Meier, Ruth Meier, Frieda Meier
B 58 F 33 DeFrance, Frank W.
B 58 F 34 DeJonghe Chimpanzees, Victor DeJonghe, Alphonse DeJonghe
B 58 F 35 DeJonghe’s Dogs, Octave DeJonghe, Anna Adeline DeJonghe, Francois Ackermann
B 58 F 36 Delaware, State of
B 58 F 37 DeMoulin Bros. & Co., Uniforms & Equipment, Greenville, IL
B 58 F 38 DeMuth, Henry Deceased
B 58 F 39 DeOliveira, Carmelia vs. RBBB
B 58 F 40 Deotte, Margaret vs. RBBB
B 58 F 41 Detroit, MI
B 58 F 42 Dewey Bros. Co.
B 58 F 43 Dewey, Thomas E., Presidential Campaign
B 58 F 44 DeWolfe, Fred G. Asst. Treas. – RBBB
B 58 F 45 Dining Dept. RBBB
B 58 F 46 Dinnat Troupe
B 58 F 47 Disoway & Fisher (Adv. Agency)
B 58 F 48 Dodson’s World’s Fair Shows
B 58 F 49 Doherty, Mae vs. RBBB
B 58 F 50 Doll, Bill Bill Dol & Co.
B 58 F 51 Donahue, J.C.
B 58 F 52 Dover, Bob Supt. Perf. Personnel – RBBB
B 58 F 53 Downs, Miss Sylvia, Hold Harmless Agreements
B 58 F 54 Drake, Bernard vs. RBBB
B 58 F 55 Drew, Charles vs. RBBB
B 58 F 56 Droisen, Audrey vs. RBBB
B 58 F 57-60 Dube, Harry S., Program Book Dept. RBBB
B 58 F 61 Duggan Bros. Circus vs. John Robinson Show Co. 1934 re 1934, Infringement of
John Robinson Title
B 58 F 62 Dulczak, Michael vs. RBBB
B 58 F 63 Dunn, William P. RBBB Treas.
B 58 F 64 Duryea, M.J. (Duryea Automobile Family)
B 58 F 65-67 Duval, Herm
B 59 F 1-3 Eagles, Paul RBBB, Agent
B 59 F 4 Eastern Hotel Co. vs. Sells Floto Circus
B 59 F 5 Eaves Costume Mfg. Co. NY, NY
B 59 F 6 Edward, T. Finneran Co. vs. RBBB
B 59 F 7 Eighmy, Mrs. J.H. vs. RBBB
B 59 F 8 Einstein, Beatrice vs. RBBB and M.SQ.G.
B 59 F 9 Eisenhower, Dwight D.
B 59 F 10-11 Eisner & Lubin RBBB C.P.A.
B 59 F 12 EKO & IKO Muse, George & Willie, Side Show Performers
B 59 F 13 Elephant Rental
B 59 F 14 Elephant Stampede, Kennewick, WA 1955
B 59 F 15 Elliott, John vs. RBBB
B 59 F 16 Ellis Machinery & Supply Co. vs. RBBB
B 59 F 17 Empire Poster Ptng. Co.
B 59 F 18-20 Employment Applications
B 59 F 21-23 Engel, Judge & Miller Atty’s
B 59 F 24 Enquirer Job Ptg. Co.
B 59 F 25 Erie Lithograph & Ptg. Co. Erie, PA
B 59 F 26 Evans, Ann vs. RBBB
B 59 F 27 Evans, Merle
B 59 F 28 Fannin, Mrs. J.C. vs. RBBB
B 59 F 29 Farley, Hon. Jas. A.
B 59 F 30 Farley, Margaret vs. RBBB
B 59 F 31 Fawcett-Dearing Ptg. Co., C.T. Dearing Ptg. Co. (Printer RBBB Route Books)
B 59 F 32 Feder, Beatrice vs. RBBB
B 59 F 33 Feld, Irvin
B 59 F 34 Felicioli, Anna Maria Performer
B 59 F 35 Fenner, Walcott (Cotton)
B 59 F 36 Finney, Clint W.
B 59 F 37 Fields, William RBBB Press Agent
B 59 F 38 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.
B 59 F 38 Fischer, Mrs. George vs. RBBB
B 59 F 40 Fisher, Leo vs. RBBB
B 59 F 41 Flanagan vs. RBBB
B 59 F 42 Flanagan, Frank vs. RBBB
B 59 F 43 Floats RBBB Spec. Floats
B 59 F 44 Floody, Mrs. E.J. vs. RBBB
B 59 F 45 Florida Industrial Comm.
B 59 F 46 Florida, State of
B 59 F 47 Florida Toursit Assn. The Sarasota Review
B 59 F 48 Flynn, Frank vs. Hw
B 59 F 49 Fogarty Bros. Transfer Co. Tampa, FL, Transportation of Gorillas 1960
B 59 F 50 Forbes Lithograph Mfg. Co.
B 59 F 51 Form Letters
B 59 F 52 Forstall, Theo.
B 59 F 53 Fort Wayne, IN
B 59 F 54 Fort Worth, TX
B 59 F 55 Foust, Monica Lea vs. RBBB
B 59 F 56 Fowzer, Hugh and Carruthers, E.P. vs. RBBB
B 60 F 1 Fox, Charles P. (Chappie)
B 60 F 2 Fox, Clifford William
B 60 F 3 Frank Music Corp.
B 60 F 4 Fraser, Harold B. vs. RBBB Accident with Elephant
B 60 F 5 Freedman, Zac RBBB Agent
B 60 F 6 Friends of the Circus (General Corresp. from Misc. Friends of RBBB and Circus)
B 60 F 7 Front Door Dept. RBBB
B 60 F 8 Frost & Jacobs Atty’s
B 60 F 9 Fruehauf Trailer Co., Fruehauf Trailer Finance Co.
B 60 F 10 Fuka, Dora vs. RBBB (Baltimore Explosion Case)
B 60 F 11 Fuller, Thomas vs. RBBB
B 60 F 12 Fullgrapp, Hermann, Fullgrapp, Frieda (Fredonas)
B 60 F 13 G & G Metals Co.
B 60 F 14 Gardner Surgical Supply
B 60 F 15 Gargantua the Great 1930s-October 1949
B 60 F 16 Gargantua the Great 1949-1958 (death, remains, etc.)
B 60 F 17 Garrett, Arthur (Atty)
B 60 F 18 Gartman, Bernard
B 60 F 19 Gelff, Mrs. Celia vs. RBBB
B 60 F 20 Genders, Harold
B 60 F 21 General Artist Corp.
B 60 F 22 General Motors Corp.
B 60 F 23 General Outdoor Advertising Co.
B 60 F 24 Geneva, NY (Blowdown July 1, 1956)
B 60 F 25 Genin, Albert & Anastasia and Flanga, Patricia vs. RBBB
B 60 F 26 George, Sam vs. RBBB
B 60 F 27 Georgia, State of
B 60 F 28 Gerber, Mrs. Frank vs. RBBB
B 60 F 29 Gerdy, Geraldine et al vs. RBBB and M.Sq. G.
B 60 F 30 Gibney, Gus
B 60 F 31 Gibson, Julie vs. RBBB
B 60 F 32 Giles & Ransome, Caterpillar Tractor Dealer
B 60 F 33 Gimbel Bros., Philadelphia, PA
B 60 F 34 Glassey, Irene vs. RBBB
B 60 F 35 Glenn, Thomas A. vs. RBBB
B 60 F 36 Globe Ticket Co.
B 60 F 37 Goebel, Louis
B 60 F 38 Goetz, E. Ray
B 60 F 39 Gomprecht & Benesch
B 60 F 40 Gonzales, Celia
B 60 F 41 Gonzales, Francisco H.
B 60 F 42 Gordon, Dr. Philip vs. RBBB
B 60 F 43 Gosman, Sam (Deceased) vs. RBBB
B 60 F 44 Grach, Yvonne Vander
B 60 F 45 Graham-Paige Corp.
B 60 F 46 Great American Indemnity Co.
B 60 F 47 Greater Show World (Magazine)
B 60 F 48 Greatest Show on Earth Movie
B 60 F 49 Greatest Show on Earth Sub Title
B 60 F 50 Green, Nat Mgr. RBBB Chicago Office
B 60 F 51 Greensboro, NC
B 60 F 52 Griebling, Otto
B 60 F 53 Griffin, J.R.
B 60 F 54 Groeltz, Fred A. vs. RBBB
B 60 F 55 Gross, Francis vs. RBBB
B 60 F 56 Gross, Rudolph vs. RBBB
B 60 F 57 Grossman, Samuel, Musical Production Dir. RBBB
B 60 F 58 Haas, William T. vs. RBBB
B 60 F 59-60 Hagenbeck (Germany) Lorenz Hagenbeck Carl Hagenbect et al
B 60 F 61-62 Haley, James A. RBBB Executive
B 60 F 63 Haley, Mrs. James (Aubrey)
B 60 F 64 Halfhill, George Jr.
B 60 F 65 Halstead, J.V. vs. RBBB
B 60 F 66 Hamm, Hollis J. vs. RBBB
B 60 F 67 Hammond, Freddie vs. RBBB
B 60 F 68 Hammond, Harold E. vs. RBBB
B 60 F 69 Hanes, George vs. RBBB
B 60 F 70 Hankins, Thomas vs. RBBB
B 60 F 71 Hannon Floor Covering Co. vs. RBBB
B 60 F 72 Hardin vs. RBBB
B 60 F 73 Harlow, Esther, RBBB
B 60 F 74 Harmon, Buren Lee vs. RBBB
B 60 F 75 Harmon, Cynthia vs. RBBB
B 60 F 76 Harms Music Publishers
B 60 F 77 Harness
B 60 F 78 Harrington, Mrs. W.H. vs. RBBB
B 60 F 79 Harris, Jeanine
B 61 F 1 Hart, J.B. vs. RBBB
B 61 F 2 Haskins & Sells C.P.A.
B 61 F 3 Hatch, Alden
B 61 F 4 Hathaway, Carl T.
B 61 F 5 Havana Greyhound Kennel Club
B 61 F 6 Havemann, Dietrich
B 61 F 7 Hay & Grain
B 61 F 8 Hayes, Katherine vs. RBBB
B 61 F 9 Hayes, Pdell, Algase et al Atty’s
B 61 F 10 Hayslett, John Alexander
B 61 F 11 Hazen, Victoria vs. RBBB
B 61 F 12 Heidmann, Mabel vs. RBBB
B 61 F 13 Hendrix, John P. vs. RBBB
B 61 F 14 Hennessey, William R. vs. RBBB
B 61 F 15 Hennies Bros. Shows
B 61 F 16 Hermsen, Friedrich H.
B 61 F 17 Herring, Solomon vs. RBBB
B 61 F 18 Hickey, John, Arena MGRS Assn.
B 61 F 19 Higgins, Joseph T. vs. RBBB
B 61 F 20-22 Hildreth, Melvin D. Attorney
B 61 F 23 Hill, Geraldine vs. RBBB
B 61 F 24 Hixon, Howard S. vs. RBBB
B 61 F 25-27 Hodges, Reavis McGrath et al Atty’s (Robert Thrum)
B 61 F 28 Hoffman, Kenneth A. vs. RBBB
B 61 F 29 Hold Backs
B 61 F 30 Holiday on Ice 1963-1964
B 61 F 31 Homscheck, Frederick J. vs. RBBB
B 61 F 32 Hoppe Ingeborg also Renate Bleckert, Josefine Wirtz
B 61 F 33-34 Hopper, Arthur RBBB General Agent
B 61 F 35 Hornbeck, Mr. & Mrs.
B 61 F 36 Horse Meat
B 61 F 37 Horton Molor Lines Inc. vs. RBBB etal
B 61 F 38 Hospital RR Car Purchase, Repurchase of 25 Government Hospital Railroad Cars 1947 for RBBB
B 61 F 39 Hotels
B 61 F 40 Houcke, Nadia
B 61 F 41 Howard, Holly vs. RBBB
B 61 F 42 Hubbard, Celo vs. RBBB
B 61 F 43 Hudson Tubes Advertising Co.
B 61 F 44 Hullum, Mrs. Sue vs. RBBB
B 61 F 45 Hulteen, Charles vs. RBBB
B 61 F 46 Hultman, Virginia vs. RBBB
B 61 F 47 Humane Society
B 61 F 48 Hurov, Albert vs. RBBB
B 61 F 49 Hurricane S.S. Ship, Avani Troupe, Freddie Troup
B 61 F 50 Hutsell, Bob RBBB Musical Prod. Dir.
B 61 F 51 Hyland, William vs. RBBB
B 61 F 52 Ice Capades
B 61 F 53 Ider, Erik B.M.
B 61 F 54 Illinois – State of
B 61 F 55 Indiana – State of
B 61 F 56 Indianapolis, IN vs. RBBB (Street Damage Claim)
B 61 F 57 International Business Machines
B 61 F 58 International Holiday on Ice Co.
B 61 F 59 Iowa – State of
B 61 F 60 Iron & Steel Products Co.
B 61 F 61 Irvington (NJ) Showgrounds Matter
B 61 F 62 Jacks of Hollywood (Wardrobe Makers)
B 61 F 63 Jackson, Ernest vs. RBBB
B 61 F 64 Jackson, Florine vs. RBBB
B 61 F 65 Jackson, Mrs. Kirkwood vs. RBBB
B 61 F 66 Jacobs, Capt Terrell Wild Animal Trainer
B 61 F 67 Jacobs, Lou
B 61 F 68 Jacobsen, Mrs. Anna vs. RBBB
B 61 F 69 Jacobsen, O.K. vs. RBBB
B 61 F 70 James E. Strates Shows Inc.
B 61 F 71 Japan
B 61 F 72 Jazzbo Clown ‘Funny Ford’
B 61 F 73 Joe-Henry Stage Props
B 62 F 1 John & Mabel Ringling Museum of Art
B 62 F 2-4 John Ringling Hotel
B 62 F 5 Johnny J. Jones Exposition
B 62 F 6 Johnson, Martin Death
B 62 F 7 Johnston, Mrs. J.M. vs. RBBB
B 62 F 8 Jomar J RN’s Private Car Re Maint. and Stocking of Same with Liquors, Foods etc.
B 62 F 9 Jordan, Ethel and Schindler, Miss D. vs. RBBB
B 62 F 10 Joy, Harper
B 62 F 11 Junger, Miss Esther, Dance Director RBBB
B 62 F 12 Jungmeyer, Walter J., Dodge-Plymouth Dealer, Tampa, FL Source of Bulk Purchases of RBBB Motor Vehicles
B 62 F 13 Kadlick, Hilda vs. RBBB
B 62 F 14 Kaniff, Edward vs. RBBB
B 62 F 15 Kansas – State of
B 62 F 16 Karoly Troupe, Evy Kunkel (Karoly), Erneste Marton (Karoly), Margarete Marton (Karoly)
B 62 F 17 Karsham, William
B 62 F 18 Kaufman Co. Custom House Brokers
B 62 F 19 Keck, Ed
B 62 F 20 Kelley, F. Beverlay
B 62 F 21 Kelley, John M. (Atty)
B 62 F 22 Kelly, Ed, Sarasota
B 62 F 23 Kelly, Emmett
B 62 F 24 Kentucky – State of & Lieut. Lee Allen Estes
B 62 F 25 Kernan, Walter
B 62 F 26 Kerrigan, John W. vs. RBBB
B 62 F 27 Keltz vs. RBBB
B 62 F 28 Kilby, Donald S.
B 62 F 29 King, Floyd
B 62 F 30 King, Gloria vs. RBBB
B 62 F 31 King, Mrs. Emma vs. RBBB et al
B 62 F 32 King Ranch Account
B 62 F 33 Kinnucan, Robert C. vs. RBBB
B 62 F 34 Kirk & Pinkerton and Kirk-Pinkerton Sparrow etc.
B 62 F 35 Klar, Arthur Program Publishing Co.
B 62 F 36 Klose, Hans
B 62 F 37 Knapp, Bert RBBB Musical Arranger
B 62 F 38 Knie, Circus Knie (Switzerland)
B 62 F 39 Knoblaugh, H. Edward
B 62 F 40 Kristiamo, Sveno, Horseman
B 62 F 41 Kuhry, Curtis vs. RBBB
B 62 F 42 Kutty, Mossa, Side Show Performer
B 62 F 43 Lacy, Mrs. R.R. et al vs. RBBB
B 62 F 44 Lader, Ette vs. RBBB
B 62 F 45 LaFleaur, Sarah vs. RBBB
B 62 F 46 Lakeland, Florida
B 62 F 47 Lancaster, Stuart
B 62 F 48 Lanford, J.R. et al vs. RBBB
B 62 F 49 Lansing, Morley vs. RBBB
B 62 F 50 Lapeyrouse, Mrs. Gustav vs. RBBB
B 62 F 51 LaPlant, Harry vs. RBBB
B 62 F 52 LaPlante, Joe
B 62 F 53 LaRay Boot Shop, NY, NY
B 62 F 54 Large, Foy
B 62 F 55 Lashinsky, Harry, National Attractions Inc. Agent
B 62 F 56 Laundry Dept RBBB
B 62 F 57 Lazenberry, Robert vs. RBBB
B 62 F 58 Leaf Tent & Sail Co., Sarasota, FL
B 62 F 59 LeBlanc, Clifford vs. Long Island RR vs. RBBB
B 62 F 60 Lederer, Hans (International Theatrical Corp.)
B 62 F 61 Lee, Bob vs. RBBB
B 62 F 62 Lee, Leonard vs. RBBB
B 62 F 63 Legal Adjusters – Misc.
B 62 F 64 Legal Expense Items, Misc.
B 62 F 65 Leo, Josephine vs. RBBB
B 62 F 66 Lew & Leslie Grade Ltd, Booking Agency
B 62 F 67 Lewis, Laura vs. RBBB
B 62 F 68 Lewis Diesel Engine Co.
B 62 F 69 Lieb, Peter F. vs. RBBB
B 62 F 70 Life Magazine
B 62 F 71 Light Dept.
B 62 F 72 Liland, William vs. RBBB
B 62 F 73 Llaguno, Maria E.
B 62 F 74 Loesser, Frank
B 62 F 75 Logano (Luis Lorenzo Gonzales)
B 62 F 76 Lombard, Norman vs. RBBB
B 62 F 77 Longo, Ceil vs. RBBB
B 62 F 7 8Loos, Karl D. (Atty) Pope, Ballard & Loos
B 63 F 1-2 Loos, Karl D. (Atty) Pope, Ballard & Loos
B 63 F 3 Lord, Clark & Co. Sanitation
B 63 F 4 Lord, Irma B. vs. RBBB
B 63 F 5 Lots, Showgrounds
B 63 F 6 Louis Ruhe Inc.
B 63 F 7 Louisiana – State of
B 63 F 8 Louisville Color Gravure Co., Louisville, KY
B 63 F 9 Love, Jas T. vs. RBBB
B 63 F 10 Lowe, John, Weekly Payroll Food Deductions
B 63 F 11 Lubbock, Texas
B 63 F 12 Luciana – Friedel Troupe, Otto Schmidt, Friedel L. Paster, Emilie O. Paster
B 63 F 13 Lusk, Jas. D. vs. RBBB
B 63 F 1 4Lutten, Eric Agent for Animals and Acts from French Africa
B 63 F 15 Lynn, Thomas – Deceased
B 63 F 16 Lyons, Mae RBBB NY Office
B 63 F 17 Mack Truck Co.
B 63 F 18 Macy’s Department Store, NY, NY
B 63 F 18 Maffucci, Angelo vs. RBBB
B 63 F 20 Mahery, Frank, AGBSF Advance
B 63 F 21 Mahoney vs. RBBB
B 63 F 22 Mahoney, John D. vs. RBBB
B 63 F 23 Maine – State of
B 63 F 24 Male, George F. vs. RBBB
B 63 F 25 Malone, “Checkers” vs. AGB
B 63 F 26 “Man in the Moon”, Angela and Friedrich Kotosis
B 63 F 27 Management Corp. of America (Umberto Bedini – Italy)
B 63 F 28 Mandy, Albert vs. RBBB
B 63 F 29 Mangum, Carrie May & Mangum, James Robert vs. RBBB
B 63 F 30 Manning, Richard vs. RBBB
B 63 F 31 Marilex Troupe Banuelos, Alejandro and Domingo
B 63 F 32 Markowitz, Mary vs. RBBB
B 63 F 33 Marshall, John vs. RBBB
B 63 F 34 Martin, Josephine Claim
B 63 F 35 Martinez, Sylvester – Death
B 63 F 36 Maryland – State of
B 63 F 37 Masland Duraleather Co. (Seat Eqpt. & Materials)
B 63 F 38 Mason, Louis L. Atty Decatur, IL
B 63 F 39 Massachusetts – State of
B 63 F 40 Mastroiani, Angelo vs. RBBB
B 63 F 41 Matos, Avelino Perez (Pop-Eye—Side Show)
B 63 F 42 Matsumoto Troupe Case
B 63 F 43 Matzek, Joseph F. vs. RBBB
B 63 F 44 Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
B 63 F 45 Mayo, Ken RBBB Press Agent
B 63 F 46 McCandlish Lithograph Corp.
B 63 F 47 McCandlish Lithograph Corp RBBB Litho Poster Book Illustrated
B 63 F 48 McCaslin, James vs. RBBB
B 63 F 49 McClosky, Frank
B 63 F 50 McGarrity, R.J.
B 63 F 51 McKenna, Frederick
B 63 F 52 McKnight Associates 1959
B 63 F 53 Mead, Mary K. vs. RBBB
B 63 F 54 Mead, Tom, Tom Mead’s Garage, Shelby, IN
B 63 F 55 Meccia vs. RBBB
B 63 F 56 Memorial Hospital, Sarasota, FL
B 63 F 57 Menagerie Dept. RBBB General References Listing & Inventories Purchases Sales
B 63 F 58 Mendell, Herbert vs. RBBB
B 63 F 59 Mercurio, Girolamo, Chimp Handler
B 63 F 60 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc.
B 63 F 61 Miami (Dade County) Florida vs. RBBB (Street Damage Claim)
B 63 F 62 Miami, FL
B 63 F 63 Michigan – State of
B 63 F 64 Miller, Kenneth vs. RBBB
B 63 F 65 Milwaukee, WI
B 63 F 66 Minneapolis MN
B 63 F 67 Minnesota – State of
B 63 F 68 Mississippi – State of
B 63 F 69 Missouri, State of
B 63 F 70 Mistin et al “Mister Mistin”
B 63 F 71 Mitchell, Gerald E. RBBB Office Staff
B 63 F 72 Modern Age Furniture Corp.
B 63 F 73 Monroe Camel Bite Case, Monroe vs. RBBB
B 63 F 74 Montgomery, C.R.
B 63 F 75 Moonblatt, Samuel Atty, Philly, PA
B 63 F 76 Morales, Navo Lauro
B 63 F 77 Morgan Lithograph Co.
B 63 F 78 Morgan, Lloyd
B 63 F 79 Motor Vehicles (&Trlrs) RBBB
B 63 F 80 Mowry, Wesley vs. RBBB
B 63 F 81 Muller, Ursel
B 63 F 82 Mullineaux, Raymond vs. RBBB
B 63 F 83 Mulvey, Leo & Richard vs. RBBB
B 63 F 84 Munoz, Luis & Julia
B 63 F 85 Murchison, Mrs. Ross vs. RBBB
B 63 F 86 Murray, Mrs. Blance vs. RBBB
B 63 F 87 Murray Poster PTG. Co.
B 64 F 1 National Bedding Co. vs. RBBB
B 64 F 2 National Circus Museum
B 64 F 3 National Fire Protection Assn.
B 64 F 4 National Indemnity Co.
B 64 F 5 National Surety Corp. (Alien Bonds)
B 64 F 6 National Tin Can Co. vs. RBBB
B 64 F 7 Naumann, Hans Carl vs. RBBB
B 64 F 8 Naylor, Edward RBBB
B 64 F 9 Neal Walters Poster Corp. Eureka Springs, AR
B 64 F 10 Nelsestun, Mrs. Julius vs. RBBB
B 64 F 11 New England Transportation Co. (NY, NH RR Co.) vs. RBBB
B 64 F 12 New Jersey – State of
B 64 F 13 New York Bible Society
B 64 F 14 New York City
B 64 F 15 New York City, Child Labor Permits
B 64 F 16 New York Office RBBB
B 64 F 17 New York Press Photographers Assn.
B 64 F 18 New York – State of
B 64 F 19 New York, State of Dept. of Labor
B 64 F 20 New York, State of Industrial Commission Workmen’s Compensation
B 64 F 21 New York, State of Motor Vehicle Taxes and Forms
B 64 F 22 New York Subways Adv. Co.
B 64 F 23 New York World’s Fair 1939
B 64 F 24 New York World’s Fair 1964-1965
B 64 F 25 Newark, NJ
B 64 F 26-28 Newman & Bisco (Atty’s) (Leonard Bisco)
B 64 F 29 Newspapers – Misc.
B 64 F 30 Nocks High Pole Act
B 64 F 31 Noe, Dr. vs. AGBSF – RBBB
B 64 F 32 Nolen, Marvin vs. RBBB
B 64 F 33 Norder, Mrs. Lee and Sheely, B.E. re: Jacksonville Horse Stampede vs. RBBB
B 64 F 34 Norfolk, VA
B 64 F 35-37 Norman Bell Geddes & Co.
B 64 F 38 Norris, William P. vs. RBBB
B 64 F 39 North Carolina – State of
B 64 F 40 North, Elizabeth Palmer vs. RBBB
B 64 F 41 Nuchols (Nicholds?) vs. RBBB
B 64 F 42 O’Donnell, Roger O. Atty, Washington D.C.
B 64 F 43 Ogden, UT
B 64 F 44 Ohio – State of
B 64 F 45 Okapi
B 64 F 46 Oklahoma - State of
B 64 F 47 Oliveras Troupe, Francisco Oliveras, Francisca Navare Oliveras, Concepcion Navarro Oliveras, Francisco Novarro Oliveras
B 64 F 48 O’Mealia Outdoor Advertising – 1959
B 64 F 49 Oregon – State of
B 64 F 50 Orndorf, Samuel vs. RBBB
B 64 F 51 O’Rourke, Terrence RBBB Office Staff
B 64 F 52 Oscard, Paul Asst. to Staging of Show
B 64 F 53 Ostermaier, Wm.
B 65 F 1 Palacios, Flying
B 65 F 2 Palumbo’s Café Restaurant
B 65 F 3 Pappalardo, Sam T. vs. RBBB
B 65 F 4 Paramount Pictures Inc. “Greatest Show on Earth” Movie,1949
B 65 F 5-6 Paramount Pictures Inc. “Greatest Show on Earth” Movie,1950
B 65 F 7-8 Paramount Pictures Inc. “Greatest Show on Earth” Movie, 1951
B 65 F 9 Paramount Pictures Inc. “Greatest Show on Earth” Movie, 1952
B 65 F 10 Paramount Pictures Inc. “Greatest Show on Earth” Movie, 1953-1956
B 65 F 11 Paramount Pictures Inc. “Greatest Show on Earth” Movie, 1957-1960
B 65 F 12 Paramount Pictures Inc. Misc. Corresp.
B 65 F 13 Parent, Louis vs. RBBB
B 65 F 14 Parker, Dr. W. vs. RBBB
B 65 F 15 Parker, Miss Francis vs. RBBB
B 65 F 16 Parkinson, Tom
B 65 F 17 Parks, Bert (Tommy Productions) vs. RBBB
B 65 F 18 Parks, Thurn vs. RBBB
B 65 F 19 Passes Distribution etc.
B 65 F 20 Payne, Dr. vs. AGBSF
B 65 F 21 Pearce, Arthur and Georgens, Ann Marie vs. RBBB
B 65 F 22 Perey Turnstiles
B 65 F 23 Performance Reports – 1956 RBBB
B 65 F 24 Perry, William (Bill) RBBB – Sarasota, FL
B 65 F 25 Peterson, Peter Deceased, 4-17-57 Sarasota 2-20-57
B 65 F 26 Petterson, Gregg vs. RBBB
B 65 F 27 Phillips Petroleum Co.
B 65 F 28 Phillips, Samuel Gordon vs. RBBB
B 65 F 29 Pickett, Leon
B 65 F 30-31 Pickman, Milton RBBB Radio, TV Agent
B 65 F 32 “Piggy Back” Railroad System
B 65 F 33 Police Athletic League, Inc. NY, NY
B 65 F 34 Porretto, Antoinette vs. RBBB, Galveston, TX D/A Oct 17, 1955
B 65 F 35 Portland, OR
B 65 F 36 Power, James G., Comptroller, RBBB
B 65 F 37 Press Relations
B 65 F 38 Press Releases
B 65 F 39 Program Booklet, RBBB, Misc. Corresp. Advertising Costs, Bids Offered to Publish
B 65 F 40 Promoters Misc.
B 65 F 41 Proskow, William Jr. vs. RBBB
B 65 F 42 Public Relations – General RBBB
B 65 F 43 Publicity & Promotions
B 65 F 44 The Pullman Company – Pullman – Standard Car MFG – Co.
B 65 F 45-46 Purchase Orders (RBBB) 1956
B 66 F 1 Purchase Orders (RBBB) 1956
B 66 F 2-4 Purchase Orders (RBBB) 1957
B 66 F 5 Purchase Orders (RBBB) 1958
B 66 F 6 Purchases, All Depts, RBBB 1952 Full Inventory
B 66 F 7 Rabins, George vs. RBBB
B 66 F 8 Radinos, Aerobatic Bike Act
B 66 F 9 Radio City Music Hall
B 66 F 10 Radio Station, KA69868 – Mobile RBBB, Mobile Industrial Radio Station, Corresp. Permits, Licenses, etc.
B 66 F 11 Ragsdale, Joe et al vs. RBBB
B 66 F 12-13 Railroads Misc.
B 66 F 14 Rairden, Walter, RBBB Staff Legal Adj.
B 66 F 15 Rakov, Samuel vs. RBBB, Bill Posting Damage Claim
B 66 F 16 Randolph, Forrest vs. RBBB
B 66 F 17 Rayber vs. RBBB
B 66 F 18 Razzore, Emilio – Gran Circus Razzore
B 66 F 19 Ready, Patricia, Showgirl
B 66 F 20 Real Estate RBBB Real Estate
B 66 F 21 Reberte Troupe
B 66 F 22-24 Reddy, John F. (Atty) See Also – Engle, Judge & Miller
B 66 F 25 Redmond, Harry vs. RBBB
B 66 F 26 Reilly, Carol vs. RBBB
B 66 F 27 Reltz, Emma vs. RBBB
B 66 F 28 Remington Rand Co. – Operations Survey 1954
B 66 F 29 Renellys
B 66 F 30-31 Requisitions Orders – Misc. Purchase Requisitions
B 66 F 32 Reutenberg, Gus vs. RBBB
B 66 F 33 Reynolds, John E. vs. AGB
B 66 F 34 Rhodin, Trolle
B 66 F 35 Rice, Paul AGBSF Advance
B 66 F 36 Richman, Jack vs. RBBB
B 66 F 37 Richmond, VA
B 66 F 38 Rigging, Aerial Rigging
B 66 F 39 Ringling, Edith Conway vs. RBBB North Haley et al
B 66 F 40 Ringling, Emily vs. Ida Ringling et al
B 66 F 41 Ringling Museum of the Circus
B 66 F 42 Rizzon, Mary vs. RBBB and M SQ G
B 66 F 43 Robbins Bros. Circus
B 66 F 44 Roberts, Carrie L. vs. RBBB
B 66 F 45 Roberts, Lee RBBB Killed by Elephant
B 66 F 46 Robertson, Earl vs. RBBB
B 66 F 47 Rodriguez, Marcos & Vicenta “Rodry Bros”
B 66 F 48 Rodriguez, Suarez, Enrique & Rodriguez, Rosa et al – Loyal Riding Act
B 66 F 49 Roebuck, Gottlieb vs. RBBB
B 66 F 50 Rolly & Arry
B 66 F 51 Rood, Dixon & McEwen Attys – Tampa, FL
B 66 F 52 Roosevelt, Franklin D.
B 66 F 53 Rosen, Lewis RBBB Agent
B 66 F 54 Rosenblatt, Sol A. NY, NY – Agent to Negotiate Filming Movie “Greatest Show on Earth"
B 66 F 55 Rosenthal, Evelyn vs. RBBB
B 66 F 56 Route Books
B 66 F 57 Route Cards – Mailing List Cost
B 66 F 58 Route Suggestions and Invitations to Cities
B 66 F 59 Roy Smith Co. vs. RBBB
B 66 F 60 Royal American Shows
B 66 F 61 Rubber Matting (Ring Matts)
B 66 F 62 Rules & Procedures Announcements etc. to all RBBB Employees
B 66 F 63 Runs – Trains
B 66 F 64 Russell Bros. Circus – Russell Bros. Pan Pacific
B 67 F 1 Russell, Lorne M.
B 67 F 2 Russell Uniform Co.
B 67 F 3 Ruster, Harry (Albert W. Ansell) Clown Magician
B 67 F 4 Rycel, John vs. H.W. (Rikall)
B 67 F 5 Ryna, John Weldon vs. RBBB and Walter Royal
B 67 F 6 Sabotage – 1956 Investigation
B 67 F 7 Safety Research & Education etal – Safety Movie on Circus 1936
B 67 F 8 Saint Louis & Hannibal RR Co. (John Ringling Estate)
B 67 F 9 St. Louis, MO
B 67 F 10 Salt Lake City, UT
B 67 F 11 San Antonio, TX
B 67 F 12 Santos & Artigas Circus (Cuba)
B 67 F 13 Sarasota Art Assn.
B 67 F 14 Sarasota Attractions Council
B 67 F 15 Sarasota Chamber of Commerce
B 67 F 16 Savannah, GA
B 67 F 17 Sawyer’s Inc.-Mfctrer of Stereoptic Slides Color Post Cards etc.
B 67 F 18 Schaeffer & Laux Inc. vs. RBBB
B 67 F 19 Schiavone, NJ – RBBB Comptroller 1956-1958. See Also Corresp., General RBBB
B 67 F 20 Schooley, Minor son Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Schooley vs. RBBB
B 67 F 21-22 Schichtholz – Bedini Umberto Agent
B 67 F 23 Schlan, Julius vs. RBBB
B 67 F 24 Schmidt, Hugo
B 67 F 25 Schult, Fritz vs. RBBB
B 67 F 26 Schwartz, Bennett A. vs. RBBB
B 67 F 27 Seats/Seat Wagons/Seat Dept./RBBB
B 67 F 28 Seattle, WA
B 67 F 29 Sedlmayr, Carl & Family
B 67 F 30 Segura Family Arturo et al
B 67 F 31 Seifert, Marion Performer
B 67 F 32 Selznick Co. David Selznick
B 67 F 33 Serfass, Lloyd vs. JRN et al
B 67 F 34 Sesac Inc.
B 67 F 35 Sewell, John
B 67 F 36 Shea, Joseph RBBB Agent
B 67 F 37 Show Management Inc.
B 67 F 38 Sicks, H.S. RBBB Staff
B 67 F 39 Side Show Department 1949-1957
B 67 F 40 Smith, George W.
B 67 F 41 Smith, Jack S.
B 67 F 42 Smith, Rosie et al vs. RBBB
B 67 F 43 Smith, Royston James Performer
B 67 F 44 Social Security Matters/Al. G. Barnes Sells Floto 1938
B 67 F 45 Social Security Matters RBBB
B 67 F 46 Socony Mobil Oil Co. vs. RBBB
B 67 F 47 Sorg, Duncan & Bailey – Atty’s Newark, NJ
B 67 F 48 South Carolina, State of
B 67 F 49 South Dakota – State of
V277 Spec Music, 1954
B 67 F 50 Spiegel, Stephen – Atty. Spiegel, Maurice Atty.
B 67 F 51 Springfield, MA
B 67 F 52-53 Stable Dept. (Horses) RBBB
B 67 F 54 Staley, John M.
B 67 F 55 Stamford, Conn. (City of) vs. RBBB
B 67 F 56 Standard Duplicating Machines Co.
B 67 F 57 Standard Oil Co.
B 67 F 58 Stanton, Donald W. vs. RBBB
B 67 F 59 Stark, Robert vs. RBBB
B 67 F 60 Steel Pier, Atlantic City vs. RBBB
B 67 F 61 Steele, McCormick RBBB Staff
B 67 F 62 Sternberg Estate (RBBB Inherits Paintings)
B 67 F 63 Stevens, Bob Stevens Bros. Circus
B 67 F 64 Strother, Shelby F. vs. Misc.
B 67 F 65 Studio Alliance (Tommy Farrar) Production Number, Press, Producer of Equipment
B 67 F 66 Stupp, Philip vs. RBBB
B 67 F 67 Sullivan, Henry RBBB Musical Adviser
B 67 F 68 Super Shows Inc.
B 67 F 69 Suez, Howard Clyde Bros. Circus
B 68 F 1 Taft, Robert A. (Senator)
B 68 F 2 Talley, Roy E. vs. RBBB
B 68 F 3 Tampa, FL
B 68 F 4 Tavares, Kenneth R. vs. RBBB
B 68 F 5 Taylor Publishing Co. Publishers book “Ringling Bros. & Barnum & Bailey The Greatest Show on Earth” 1955-1956
B 68 F 6-8 Television Televised RBBB Performances
B 68 F 9 Tennessee – State of
B 68 F 10 Tent Flameproof Certification 1950-1956
B 68 F 11 Texarkana, TX
B 68 F 12 Texas – State of
B 68 F 13 Thorpe, Edw. O.
B 68 F 14 Thrall Car Mfg. Co. Chicago Hts. IL
B 68 F 15 Ticket Agencies
B 68 F 16 Ticket Dept. RBBB
B 68 F 17 Ticket Equipment
B 68 F 18 Tickner, Louis vs. RBBB
B 68 F 19 Titos Perch Act (Martin Reves Anacleto)
B 68 F 20 Todd, Richard vs. RBBB
B 68 F 21 Toledo, OH
B 68 F 22 Tonncilla, Florence vs. RBBB
B 68 F 23 Tracy Animal Land
B 68 F 24 Transportation Displays Inc.
B 68 F 25 Troestl or the Great Arturo, Bruno Troestl, also Maria Erich, Elianora & Bruno Jr.
B 68 F 26 Tru-Vue Film Productions, Rock Island, IL
B 68 F 27-31 Tupper, Waldo
B 68 F 32 Turner, Mrs. W.E. vs. RBBB
B 68 F 33 Tymoczko, Daniel
B 68 F 34 Ubangi Savages
B 68 F 35 Underprivileged Children Groups – RBBB
B 68 F 36 United Artists Studios
B 68 F 37 United States Gov’t – Federal
B 68 F 38 United States Ptg. & Litho Co.
B 68 F 39 Unwiller, Margaret vs. RBBB
B 68 F 40 Uscicki, Gerry
B 68 F 41 Ushers, RBBB
B 68 F 42 Uyeno, Albert S. & Troupe Performers
B 69 F 1 Valdo, Pat
B 69 F 2 Val-mery, Lorella RBBB Press Agent
B 69 F 3 VanDalinda, Chester A. vs. RBBB & MSqGds.
B 69 F 4 VanPraag Productions Inc.
B 69 F 5 Variety Magazine
B 69 F 6 Vaughan, Eddie
B 69 F 7 Velona, Anthony & Sisti, Sebastian
B 69 F 8 Venezuela, South America
B 69 F 9 Verdus, The 5
B 69 F 10 Vermont, State of
B 69 F 11 Versteeg, Edward
B 69 F 12 Vertes, Marcel-Producer RBBB Productions
B 69 F 13 Veterinarian
B 69 F 14 Vinckx, Frank C. vs. RBBB
B 69 F 15 Virgilio, Mrs. D. vs. Simon Virgileo
B 69 F 16 Virginia – State of
B 69 F 17 Volpe, Ronald vs. RBBB
B 69 F 18 Wabash Valley Trust Co. – Peru, IN
B 69 F 19 Waco, TX
B 69 F 20 Wadsworth, F.J. Auditor – RBBB
B 69 F 21 Waldorf – Astoria Hotel NYC
B 69 F 22 Wallace – Marion vs. RBBB
B 69 F 23 Wallenda – Wallenda, Karl, Wallenda Circus
B 69 F 24 Walt Disney Productions
B 69 F 25 War – Wartime (& Circus)
B 69 F 26 Ward, Matthew L. vs. RBBB
B 69 F 27 Wardrobe Dept. RBBB
B 69 F 28 Warren, PA
B 69 F 29 Warren Tank Car Co.
B 69 F 30 Warren, Walter M.
B 69 F 31 Warwick, Samuel vs. RBBB
B 69 F 32 Washington, D.C. – District of Columbia
B 69 F 33 Washington – State of
B 69 F 34 Waterloo, IA – Street Damage Claim – 1937
B 69 F 35 Watusi Dancers (Photographs)
B 69 F 36 Wayss, Paul
B 69 F 37 Weaver, H. Douglas – Atty – Washington, D.C.
B 69 F 38 Weisberg, vs. RBBB
B 69 F 39 Weldon, Williams & Lick – Inc. - 1954
B 69 F 40 Weldon, Williams & Lick – Inc. - 1955
B 69 F 41 Weldon, Williams & Lick – Inc. - 1956
B 69 F 42 Weldon, Williams & Lick – Inc. – 1957-1960
B 69 F 43 Weldon, Williams & Lick Misc.
B 69 F 44-47 Weldy, Max – Wardrobe Dept. RBBB
B 69 F 48 Wellington, Dr. H.W. re Clark, William H. vs. RBBB
B 69 F 49 Welsh, Elvin
B 69 F 50 Wendanis Acrobats
B 69 F 51 West Palm Beach, FL
B 69 F 52 West Virginia – State of
B 69 F 53 Western Newspaper Union
B 69 F 54 Whidden, Annice vs. RBBB
B 69 F 55 Whirlwinds
B 69 F 56 White, John vs. Atlantic Coast Line RR vs. RBBB
B 69 F 57 White, Miles
B 69 F 58 Wickstrom, Claus vs. RBBB
B 69 F 59 Wiedenmann, Henny & Margot
B 69 F 60 William Morris Agency – RBBB Agent for TV Ties
B 69 F 61 Wilson, Albert vs. RBBB
B 69 F 62 Wilson, Gardner RBBB Press Agent
B 69 F 63 Winter Dates – RBBB 1949-1951
B 69 F 64 Winter Quarters – Invitations to Move to
B 69 F 65 Winter Quarters – Sarasota, Admissions, Tours & Groups
B 69 F 66 Winter Quarters – Sarasota – Misc.
B 69 F 67 Winter Quarters – Sarasota – RBBB RR Sidings
B 69 F 68 Winter Quarters – Venice, FL
B 69 F 69 Wirtz, Arthur
B 69 F 70 Wirtz, Josephine
B 69 F 71 Wisconsin – State of – S.C. Braathen, RBBB Wis Att
B 69 F 72 Wong, Rosa
B 69 F 73 Woods, George
B 70 F 1 World’s Greatest Shows – Slogan
B 70 F 2 World Jungle Compound
B 70 F 3 Woska, Franz Wild Animal Trainer
B 70 F 4 Wursthorn, Carl et al vs. RBBB
B 70 F 5 Wyoming – State of
B 70 F 6 Yeckel, Louise vs. RBBB
B 70 F 7 Yolande Coal & Coke Corp. vs. RBBB (Billing Beef) (See Also Sherrod Case)
B 70 F 8 Yolande Garage vs. RBBB
B 70 F 9 Yong – Bros. & Sisters Acrobats
B 70 F 10 Yonkers Outdoor Adv. Co.
B 70 F 11 Zacchini, Edmondo
B 70 F 12 Zaki, Ali vs. AGB
B 70 F 13 Zeigler, George vs. AGB
B 70 F 14 Zesut, Michael A. vs. RBBB
B 70 F 15 Zoorama