Contents List
Box Folder
B1 F 1 Al G. Barnes Amusement Co. Misc. Financial Records (After Show Closed in 1938)
B1 F 2 Al G. Barnes Circus/Al G. Barnes Amusement Co. Articles of Incorporation 1929-Original and Certified Copies
Al G. Barnes Circus Ledgers
V2 Daily Log Book, 1929
V3 Expense Ledger, 1929
V4 Payroll, 1929-1932
V5 Ledger, 1930-1932
V6 Receipts & Expenses, 1931
V7 Receipts & Disbursements, 1933-1934
V8 General Ledger, 1934
V9 Receipts & Disbursements, 1935
V10 Concession Purchases, 1935
V11 General Ledger, 1937
Al G Barnes Sells-Floto Circus Ledgers
V12 Proof Sheets Ledger, 1937
V13 Ledger & Proof Sheets, 1938
V14 Daily Log Book, 1938
V15 Payroll, 1938
B1 F 3 Al G. Barnes Circus (& AGBSF) Financial Records, 1929-1938
B1 F 4 Al G. Barnes Circus (&AGBSF) Financial Records, 1929-1938
B1 F 5 Al G. Barnes Circus (&AGBSF) Payroll & Rosters Misc.
B1 F 6 Al G. Barnes Circus Daily Receipts Misc. Seasons
B1 F 7 Al G. Barnes Circus Inventories, Complete all Equipment & Animals
B1 F 8 Al G. Barnes Circus Misc Corresp. & Items 1927-1936
B1 F 9 Al G. Barnes Circus Sale (1928) to American Circus Corporation
B1 F 10 Al G. Barnes Sells Floto 1938 Checks Drawn
B1 F 11 Al G. Barnes Sells Floto 1938 Corresp. of F.C. DeWolfe Asst. Treas.
B1 F 12 Al G. Barnes Sells Floto 1938 Corresp. of F.C. DeWolfe Asst. Treas
B1 F 13 Al G. Barnes Sells Floto Misc. Corresp. 1937 & 1938
B1 F 14 Al G. Barnes Sells Floto 1938 Corresp. of I.W. Robertsen Asst. Treas.
B1 F 15 American Circus Corporation, Correspondence 1929 Purchase by RBBB B1 F 16 American Circus Corporation National Circus Company
B1 F 17 American Circus Corporation National Circus Company
B1 F 18 Great American Circus 1939 Fanchon & Marco Inc. Prop
B1 F 19 Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus Animals
B1 F 20 Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus Corresp & Items
B1 F 21 Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus Corporate Stock Certificate 1913-1915
B1 F 22 Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus Daily Receipts, Misc. Seasons
B1 F 23 Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus Financial Records, 1929-1935
B1 F 24 Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus Financial Records, 1929-1935
B1 F 25 Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus (HW Circus Operating Corp) 1937-1938
B1 F 26 Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus (H-W and 4PSB) Inventories, Complete All Eqpt. & Animals
Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus Ledgers
V 24 Accounts Payable/Payroll Ledger, 1924
V 25 Daily Log Book, 1923
V 26 Daily Log Book, 1924
V 27 Daily Log Book, 1925
V 28 Daily Log Book, 1925
V 29 Daily Log Book, 1929
V 30 Daily Log Book, 1929
V 31 Expense Ledger, 1935
V 32 General Ledger, 1928-1929
V 33 General Ledger, 1929
V 34 General Ledger, 1930-1933
V 35 General Ledger, 1934-1935
V 36 Receipts and Disbursements, 1933-1934
V 37 Receipts and Disbursements, 1935
V 38 Winter Quarters Ledger, 1921-1922
B1 F 27 Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus (&H-W 4PSB) Payroll & Rosters Misc. Seasons
B1 F 28 Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus & Shows Co. Liquidation & Operations (1938-After Closing)
B1 F 29. Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus & Shows Co. Liquidation & Operations, 1939
B1 F 30 Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus & Shows Co. Liquidation & Operations Sale of Flat Cars to Art Lewis Shows – 1939-1940
B2 F 1 Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus/Hagenbeck-Wallace Shows Co. Liquidation & Operations (Jan-July 1940)
B2 F 2 Hagenbeck-Wallace/Circus/Hagenbeck-Wallace Shows Liquidation & Operations (Aug-1940- 1941)
B2 F 3 Hagenbeck & Wallace Shows Co. Inc. 1914 Certificate of Incorporation Certified Copy
B2 F 4 [Book] Hagenbeck-Wallace Shows Co. Minutes of Board of Directors, 1919-1929
B2 F 5. Hagenbeck-Wallace Shows Co. Misc. Financial Records (After Show 1919-1929 Closed in 1938)
B2 F 6 Howe’s Great London Circus
B2 F 7 Howe’s Great London Shows Articles of Incorporation Meeting Minutes By-laws 1920-1929
B2 F 8 John Robinson’s Circus Animals
B2 F 9 John Robinson’s Circus Corresp. & Items
B2 F 10 John Robinson’s Circus Daily Receipts & Weather by City 1927-1929
B2 F 11 John Robinson’s Circus Inventories – Complete all Equipment & Animals
B2 F 12 John Robinson’s Circus Financial Records – Misc.
John Robinson Circus Ledgers
V39 Daily Log Book, 1923-1924
V40 Daily Log Book, 1924
V41 Daily Log Book, 1924-1925
V42 Daily Log Book, 1925
V43 Daily Log Book, 1926
V44 Daily Log Book, 1927
V45 Daily Log Book, 1929
V46 Daily Log Book, 1929
V47 Ledger, 1929
V48 Ledger, 1930
B2 F 13 John Robinson’s Circus Re-title (Also Sparks Circus Title Notes)
B2 F 14 John Robinson’s Circus Sale Agreements & Bills (1) 1916 to Mugivan & Bowers (2) 1929 Transfer from Ohio Corp. to Indiana Corp.
B2 F 15 John Robinson Shows Company Articles of Incorporation 1928 & Misc. Corporate Papers
B2 F 16 John Robinson’s Show Company, Financial Records (After Show Closed in 1930)
B2 F 17 Sells-Floto Circus Comp, after show closed 1932 Misc. Records to 1940’s
B2 F 18 Sells-Floto Circus Company Articles of Incorporation 1921, 1928
B2 F 19 Sells Floto Circus Corresp.
B2 F 20 Sells Floto Circus Denver Winter Quarters Property Deeds, Abstract of Title and Leases
B2 F 21 Sells-Floto Circus Financial Records
B2 F 22 Sells-Floto Circus, Inventories. Complete Animals & Eqpt. 1929
Sells Floto Circus Ledgers
V49 Log Book, 1921
V50 Log Book, 1922
V51 Daily Log Book, 1924
V52 Daily Log Book, 1929
V53 Daily Log Book, 1929
V54 General Ledger, 1929 (loose cover)
V55 Receipts & Disbursements, 1932
B2 F 23 Sells-Floto Circus, Madison Sq. Garden and Boston Garden Leases 1929
B2 F 24 [Book] Sells-Floto Circus, Minutes of Board of Directories 1920- 1929
B2 F 25 Sells-Floto Circus Sale (1920) to Mugivan et al Transfer (1921) Mugivan to S-F Circus Comp Sale (1929) Colo. Corp. to Indiana Corp.
B2 F 26 Spangles (1943) All records.
B2 F 27 Sparks Circus, 1946-1947, (Jas. Edgar, Prop) incl. Lease Agreement with RBBB for Title, Eqpt. etc. & Other Pertinent Corresp.
B2 F 28 Sparks Circus Company, Articles of Incorporation 1928 & 1929 Amendment thereto & Misc. Corporate papers
B2 F 29 Sparks Circus Company, After Show Closed in 1931, Misc. Records
B2 F 30 Sparks Circus, Corresp.
B2 F 31 Sparks Circus, Daily Receipts, 1930
B2 F 32 Sparks Circus, Financial Records Misc. 1930-1931
B2 F 33 Sparks Circus, Inventories, Complete Animals & Eqpt. 1928, 1929, 1932
Sparks Circus Ledgers
V56 Daily Log Book, 1929
V57 Daily Log Book, 1929
V58 Daily Log Book, 1930
V59 Daily Log Book, 1930
V60 General Ledger, 1930-1931
V61 General Ledger, ca. 1931- ca. 1936
V62 Winter Quarters Ledger, 1928
B2 F 34 Sparks Circus, Sale (1928) by Sparks to Gentry & Transfer to Mugivan. Sale (1929) to C. City Zool. G’s Original Pertinent Papers & Documents
Circus City Zoological Gardens
B2 F 35 Correspondence
B2 F 36 Dissolution, 1943
B2 F 37 Financial Records 1924-1938
V18 General Ledger, ca. 1929-ca. 1934
V19 Record Book, 1932-1933
V20 General Ledger, 1932-1933
V21 Journal & Cash Book, ca. 1930-ca.1935
V22 Ledgers, 1936-1941
B2 F 38 Minutes, Board of Directors
B3 F 1-2 Financial Records, 1935-1941
B4 F 1-2 Farm & Property, Peru,Ind. (RBBB Owned)
B4 F 3 Winter Quarters, Peru Fire 1936
B4 F 4 Winter Quarters, Peru, Ind. Corresp. Inventories of Animals & Eqpt. In Quarters etc. Winter Quarters Financial Records
Contents List
Box Folder
B1 F 1 Al G. Barnes Amusement Co. Misc. Financial Records (After Show Closed in 1938)
B1 F 2 Al G. Barnes Circus/Al G. Barnes Amusement Co. Articles of Incorporation 1929-Original and Certified Copies
Al G. Barnes Circus Ledgers
V2 Daily Log Book, 1929
V3 Expense Ledger, 1929
V4 Payroll, 1929-1932
V5 Ledger, 1930-1932
V6 Receipts & Expenses, 1931
V7 Receipts & Disbursements, 1933-1934
V8 General Ledger, 1934
V9 Receipts & Disbursements, 1935
V10 Concession Purchases, 1935
V11 General Ledger, 1937
Al G Barnes Sells-Floto Circus Ledgers
V12 Proof Sheets Ledger, 1937
V13 Ledger & Proof Sheets, 1938
V14 Daily Log Book, 1938
V15 Payroll, 1938
B1 F 3 Al G. Barnes Circus (& AGBSF) Financial Records, 1929-1938
B1 F 4 Al G. Barnes Circus (&AGBSF) Financial Records, 1929-1938
B1 F 5 Al G. Barnes Circus (&AGBSF) Payroll & Rosters Misc.
B1 F 6 Al G. Barnes Circus Daily Receipts Misc. Seasons
B1 F 7 Al G. Barnes Circus Inventories, Complete all Equipment & Animals
B1 F 8 Al G. Barnes Circus Misc Corresp. & Items 1927-1936
B1 F 9 Al G. Barnes Circus Sale (1928) to American Circus Corporation
B1 F 10 Al G. Barnes Sells Floto 1938 Checks Drawn
B1 F 11 Al G. Barnes Sells Floto 1938 Corresp. of F.C. DeWolfe Asst. Treas.
B1 F 12 Al G. Barnes Sells Floto 1938 Corresp. of F.C. DeWolfe Asst. Treas
B1 F 13 Al G. Barnes Sells Floto Misc. Corresp. 1937 & 1938
B1 F 14 Al G. Barnes Sells Floto 1938 Corresp. of I.W. Robertsen Asst. Treas.
B1 F 15 American Circus Corporation, Correspondence 1929 Purchase by RBBB B1 F 16 American Circus Corporation National Circus Company
B1 F 17 American Circus Corporation National Circus Company
B1 F 18 Great American Circus 1939 Fanchon & Marco Inc. Prop
B1 F 19 Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus Animals
B1 F 20 Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus Corresp & Items
B1 F 21 Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus Corporate Stock Certificate 1913-1915
B1 F 22 Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus Daily Receipts, Misc. Seasons
B1 F 23 Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus Financial Records, 1929-1935
B1 F 24 Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus Financial Records, 1929-1935
B1 F 25 Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus (HW Circus Operating Corp) 1937-1938
B1 F 26 Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus (H-W and 4PSB) Inventories, Complete All Eqpt. & Animals
Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus Ledgers
V 24 Accounts Payable/Payroll Ledger, 1924
V 25 Daily Log Book, 1923
V 26 Daily Log Book, 1924
V 27 Daily Log Book, 1925
V 28 Daily Log Book, 1925
V 29 Daily Log Book, 1929
V 30 Daily Log Book, 1929
V 31 Expense Ledger, 1935
V 32 General Ledger, 1928-1929
V 33 General Ledger, 1929
V 34 General Ledger, 1930-1933
V 35 General Ledger, 1934-1935
V 36 Receipts and Disbursements, 1933-1934
V 37 Receipts and Disbursements, 1935
V 38 Winter Quarters Ledger, 1921-1922
B1 F 27 Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus (&H-W 4PSB) Payroll & Rosters Misc. Seasons
B1 F 28 Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus & Shows Co. Liquidation & Operations (1938-After Closing)
B1 F 29. Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus & Shows Co. Liquidation & Operations, 1939
B1 F 30 Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus & Shows Co. Liquidation & Operations Sale of Flat Cars to Art Lewis Shows – 1939-1940
B2 F 1 Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus/Hagenbeck-Wallace Shows Co. Liquidation & Operations (Jan-July 1940)
B2 F 2 Hagenbeck-Wallace/Circus/Hagenbeck-Wallace Shows Liquidation & Operations (Aug-1940- 1941)
B2 F 3 Hagenbeck & Wallace Shows Co. Inc. 1914 Certificate of Incorporation Certified Copy
B2 F 4 [Book] Hagenbeck-Wallace Shows Co. Minutes of Board of Directors, 1919-1929
B2 F 5. Hagenbeck-Wallace Shows Co. Misc. Financial Records (After Show 1919-1929 Closed in 1938)
B2 F 6 Howe’s Great London Circus
B2 F 7 Howe’s Great London Shows Articles of Incorporation Meeting Minutes By-laws 1920-1929
B2 F 8 John Robinson’s Circus Animals
B2 F 9 John Robinson’s Circus Corresp. & Items
B2 F 10 John Robinson’s Circus Daily Receipts & Weather by City 1927-1929
B2 F 11 John Robinson’s Circus Inventories – Complete all Equipment & Animals
B2 F 12 John Robinson’s Circus Financial Records – Misc.
John Robinson Circus Ledgers
V39 Daily Log Book, 1923-1924
V40 Daily Log Book, 1924
V41 Daily Log Book, 1924-1925
V42 Daily Log Book, 1925
V43 Daily Log Book, 1926
V44 Daily Log Book, 1927
V45 Daily Log Book, 1929
V46 Daily Log Book, 1929
V47 Ledger, 1929
V48 Ledger, 1930
B2 F 13 John Robinson’s Circus Re-title (Also Sparks Circus Title Notes)
B2 F 14 John Robinson’s Circus Sale Agreements & Bills (1) 1916 to Mugivan & Bowers (2) 1929 Transfer from Ohio Corp. to Indiana Corp.
B2 F 15 John Robinson Shows Company Articles of Incorporation 1928 & Misc. Corporate Papers
B2 F 16 John Robinson’s Show Company, Financial Records (After Show Closed in 1930)
B2 F 17 Sells-Floto Circus Comp, after show closed 1932 Misc. Records to 1940’s
B2 F 18 Sells-Floto Circus Company Articles of Incorporation 1921, 1928
B2 F 19 Sells Floto Circus Corresp.
B2 F 20 Sells Floto Circus Denver Winter Quarters Property Deeds, Abstract of Title and Leases
B2 F 21 Sells-Floto Circus Financial Records
B2 F 22 Sells-Floto Circus, Inventories. Complete Animals & Eqpt. 1929
Sells Floto Circus Ledgers
V49 Log Book, 1921
V50 Log Book, 1922
V51 Daily Log Book, 1924
V52 Daily Log Book, 1929
V53 Daily Log Book, 1929
V54 General Ledger, 1929 (loose cover)
V55 Receipts & Disbursements, 1932
B2 F 23 Sells-Floto Circus, Madison Sq. Garden and Boston Garden Leases 1929
B2 F 24 [Book] Sells-Floto Circus, Minutes of Board of Directories 1920- 1929
B2 F 25 Sells-Floto Circus Sale (1920) to Mugivan et al Transfer (1921) Mugivan to S-F Circus Comp Sale (1929) Colo. Corp. to Indiana Corp.
B2 F 26 Spangles (1943) All records.
B2 F 27 Sparks Circus, 1946-1947, (Jas. Edgar, Prop) incl. Lease Agreement with RBBB for Title, Eqpt. etc. & Other Pertinent Corresp.
B2 F 28 Sparks Circus Company, Articles of Incorporation 1928 & 1929 Amendment thereto & Misc. Corporate papers
B2 F 29 Sparks Circus Company, After Show Closed in 1931, Misc. Records
B2 F 30 Sparks Circus, Corresp.
B2 F 31 Sparks Circus, Daily Receipts, 1930
B2 F 32 Sparks Circus, Financial Records Misc. 1930-1931
B2 F 33 Sparks Circus, Inventories, Complete Animals & Eqpt. 1928, 1929, 1932
Sparks Circus Ledgers
V56 Daily Log Book, 1929
V57 Daily Log Book, 1929
V58 Daily Log Book, 1930
V59 Daily Log Book, 1930
V60 General Ledger, 1930-1931
V61 General Ledger, ca. 1931- ca. 1936
V62 Winter Quarters Ledger, 1928
B2 F 34 Sparks Circus, Sale (1928) by Sparks to Gentry & Transfer to Mugivan. Sale (1929) to C. City Zool. G’s Original Pertinent Papers & Documents
Circus City Zoological Gardens
B2 F 35 Correspondence
B2 F 36 Dissolution, 1943
B2 F 37 Financial Records 1924-1938
V18 General Ledger, ca. 1929-ca. 1934
V19 Record Book, 1932-1933
V20 General Ledger, 1932-1933
V21 Journal & Cash Book, ca. 1930-ca.1935
V22 Ledgers, 1936-1941
B2 F 38 Minutes, Board of Directors
B3 F 1-2 Financial Records, 1935-1941
B4 F 1-2 Farm & Property, Peru,Ind. (RBBB Owned)
B4 F 3 Winter Quarters, Peru Fire 1936
B4 F 4 Winter Quarters, Peru, Ind. Corresp. Inventories of Animals & Eqpt. In Quarters etc. Winter Quarters Financial Records